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Система орбитальной сварки Swagelok

Система орбитальной сварки Swagelok® M200

В проектах, где необходимы стабильность и эффективность сварки, система орбитальной сварки Swagelok обеспечит точность и контроль, а также управление с помощью удобного сенсорного экрана. Система позволяет экономично и надежно выполнять орбитальную сварку тонкостенных и толстостенных трубок вольфрамовым электродом в газовой среде.


Bloques de fijación y collarines

Bloques de fijación y collarines

Find weld head fixtures, fixture blocks, tube collets, adapter inserts, and fixture side plates for accurate, repeatable results in a variety of weld configurations.

Cabezales de Soldadura

Cabezales de Soldadura

Los cabezales de soldadura Swagelok se combinan con la unidad de potencia M200 para ofrecer una soldadura orbital por arco de tungsteno con gas (GTWA) fiable y consistente de tubo y tubería.
Equipo de Soldadura

Equipo de Soldadura

Browse a variety of welding equipment options, including thermal printer paper, tungsten electrodes, weld head adapter cables, and centering gauges.

Unidad de potencia

Unidad de potencia

La unidad de potencia Swagelok tiene una capacidad de salida de pico de hasta 200 amperios con precisión y control para la soldadura orbital por arco de tungsteno con gas (GTAW).

Каталоги сварочных систем

Получите подробную информацию о продукции, в том числе о материалах изготовления, номинальных параметрах давления и температуры, вариантах исполнения и вспомогательных принадлежностях.

Swagelok Schweißsystem-Unterrichtsklasse


Lernen Sie die Prinzipien des Oribitalschweißens, sowie das Einrichten, den Betrieb und die Fehlerbehebung des Swagelok®M200 Schweißsystems von unseren Certified Weld Inspectors (CWI) und Certified Weld Educators (CWE).

Erkunden Sie die Orbitalschweißschulung:

Swagelok Ressourcen, die wir für Sie zusammengestellt haben

Swagelok Schweißsystem-Schulung
Hilfsmittel für Schweißspezialisten

Die zunehmende Knappheit an Schweißern wirkt sich auf die globale Produktion von morgen aus. Automatisches Oribitalschweißen kann hier Abhilfe schaffen, aber micht ohne eine gute Schulung. Lernen Sie, worauf Sie in einem Oribitalschweißungsprogramm achten Sollten, um Ihre Schweißexperten vorzubereiten.

Swagelok tube bending equipment
Find the Right Tool for the Job: Considerations for Plant Equipment

Which tools and equipment must plant operators and technicians keep on hand at all times? From advanced orbital welding systems to basic tube deburring tools, there are essential tools for every connection, and it pays to be prepared.

Swagelok training and education
Closing the Manufacturing Skills Gap with a Well-Trained Team

With an aging industrial workforce nearing retirement, manufacturers are turning to younger generations to replace expert knowledge. Learn how to build an effective fluid system training program.

University of Ottawa’s Advanced Research Complex
Fluid System Expertise Improves Lab Functionality

Learn how Swagelok’s fluid system expertise helped the University of Ottawa improve its lab functionality at its Advanced Research Complex, a facility housing Canada’s only accelerator mass spectrometer. Orbital welding training from Swagelok helped elevate shop precision and productivity.

Orbital welding system

Orbital Welding Systems

Designing and assembling critical fluid systems often requires use of a modern welding system. With the Swagelok M200 welding system, it’s easy to make precise, consistent, quality orbital gas tungsten arc welds (GTAW) cost-effectively. The unit features a lightweight, portable power supply, supports a wide assortment of weld configurations, and is available with a selection of weld heads. Available tools and accessories include tungsten electrodes, gauges, collets, and fixtures.

The Swagelok orbital welding system also features real-time monitoring and recording capabilities, streamlining documentation for easy adherence to industry requirements.

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