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Search Results for "dot"

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El diseñador y usuario del sistema deben revisar la documentación técnica para asegurar una correcta selección de producto. Al seleccionar un producto, habrá que tener en cuenta el diseño global del sistema para conseguir un servicio seguro y sin problemas. El diseñador de la instalación y el usuario son los responsables de la función del componente, de la compatibilidad de los materiales, de los rangos de operación apropiados, así como de la operación y mantenimiento del mismo.

⚠ Advertencia: No mezcle ni intercambie productos, componentes o conexiones finales de los racores Swagelok con los de otros fabricantes si no están regulados por normativas de diseño industrial.

  • Sample Cylinders

    Swagelok offers a wide selection of metal sample cylinders that are compliant with various transportation industry standards related to chemical transfer. These durable, pressure-rated metal cylinders also prevent samples from escaping during grab sample system operation and are easy to clean. With...

  • Single-Ended Cylinders — Sample Cylinders

    Cylinders available with these specifications: 150, 300, and 500 cm 3 sizes 304L stainless steel construction –65°F (–53°C) to 850°F (454°C) 500 psig (34.4 bar) to 5000 psig (344 bar) DOT-4B 500 cylinders are hydrostatically proof tested at 1000 psig (69 bar) mini...

  • Cylinder Approvals

    DOT 304L, 316L Cylinder Approval Letter Alloy 400 Cylinders: Special Permit based on DOT-3E TPED Sample Cylinder Type Examination Certificate TPED Sample Cylinder In-House Inspection Service Certificate

  • Capital Projects Product Selection Guide

    Global Construction Product Selection Guide Managing Your Capital Project Any large-scale construction project is inherently difficult. Thousands of people are involved, competition is aggressive, logistics are complicated, spending approvals can come slowly, and there is a constant threat of p...

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