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10 Tips to Improve Chemical Sampling Systems
10 Tips to Improve Chemical Sampling Systems Managing an analytical instrumentation operation is no small feat. Whether you design, construct, operate, or maintain a chemical sampling system, receiving consistent, reliable results can be a struggle for even the most seasoned engineers and technicia...
How Mechanical Grip Fittings Can Optimize Oil and Gas Assets
Swagelok ® FK Series Fittings Versus Cone and Thread Fittings: Understanding the Differences and Benefits Doug Nordstrom Cone and thread fittings have been a reliable choice for a variety of oil and gas applications for years. When used with special antivibration glands and installed by know...
FAQs: How to Avoid Hydrogen Embrittlement
FAQs: How to Avoid Hydrogen Embrittlement and Other Hydrogen Handling Issues Buddy Damm, Senior Scientist, Swagelok Independence from fossil fuels. An energy crisis resulting from geopolitical conflict. The increasing urgency to confront climate change. These are just a few of the reasons dri...
The 5 Most Common Revelations Experienced in Process Analyzer System Training: A 50 Year Retrospective
The 5 Most Common Revelations Experienced in Process Analyzer System Training Tony Waters, Sampling System Expert, Instructor A process analyzer sampling system is one of the most challenging systems within your plant. Not only is it challenging to design, it’s also challenging to operate accura...
How to Detect and Prevent Hydraulic Fluid System Leaks
Common Causes and Costs of Fluid System Leaks Fluid system leaks are a common occurrence in most plants. Because you’re charged with maintaining your plant’s safety and profitability, even the smallest leak can present an issue. That’s why it’s helpful to understand how and why leaks occur, how to ...
Why You Should Not Intermix Tube Fittings
Why You Should Not Intermix Tube Fittings From Different Manufacturers Fluid and analytical instrumentation systems rely on dozens of quality components working harmoniously to keep operations running efficiently. Any performance lapses can result in leaks, potential safety concerns, and system dow...
Reducing Fluid System Leaks in Your Facility
Reducing Costly Fluid System Leaks and Emissions Sean Hunsicker, Business Development Manager - Global Sales It’s easy to become accustomed to certain sounds, sights, and other ambient environmental conditions of a chemical processing, oil and gas, or other industrial process facility. Walking a...
Maximizing Component Life in Industrial Fluid Systems
Maximizing the Life of Industrial Fluid System Components Cory Cottrill The cost of replacing a single fluid system component in a plant goes beyond the price of the part. A single replacement also encompasses the internal costs for procurement, installation, and maintenance, as well as costs a...
Do’s and Don’ts for Sampling System Accuracy
Do’s and Don’ts for Sampling System Accuracy Ken Backus, Field Engineer (North America) Reliable process sample accuracy can be a challenge for even the most experienced fluid system engineers and analyzer technicians. Often, identifying the cause of inaccuracies can feel like something of a gue...
Is Hydrogen a Safe Fuel Source?
Yes, Hydrogen Is a Safe and Effective Fuel Source Chuck Hayes, Global Technical Lead, Swagelok Hydrogen is a promising alternative to traditional fuels due to its potential to deliver zero-emission power in both transportation/mobility and general industrial applications. It is increasingly ...