Swagelok® Miniature Modular Systems
Increase efficiency and decrease footprint with Swagelok analytical miniature modular systems. These modular platform components and systems reduce design and assembly time and yield reliable results.
Contact a Local SpecialistSwagelok miniature modular systems are designed for compact sampling and process analyzer systems, enabling real-time analyses at the process line. Backed by Swagelok’s expertise, these systems reduce design, build, and maintenance time. The included configurator software simplifies fluid system design and assembly with a computerized layout grid.
MPC assemblies offer reliable, ANSI/ISA 76.00.02-compliant performance in a compact interface. Swagelok surface-mount components meet the same high standards as their conventional fluid system parts, using leak-tight O-rings to connect surface-mount, substrate, and manifold flow components for efficient fluid distribution.
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Stream Selector System (SSV Series) |
Stream-Select, Switching, and Shutoff Valve Assemblies (TT2 and T2 Series) | 1/16, 1/8, and 1/4 in. and 3 mm Swagelok tube fitting and 1/8 in. female NPT end connections facilitate system versatility |
Modular Platform Components (MPC) | ANSI/ISA 76.00.02-compliant design, 38.2 mm (1.5 in.) platform |
Miniature Modular Systems Catalogs
Locate detailed product information, including materials of construction, pressure and temperature ratings, options, and accessories.
The stream selector system is a modular assembly designed for process analyzer systems. Find technical and ordering information as well as details on atmospheric-reference and high-purge options.
Features: Provide multiple valve operations in a single, compact unit; Require fewer tubing connections than conventional systems; Save cabinet space and installation time; Include 316 stainless steel valve and actuator
MPC Series: ANSI/ISA 76.00.02-compliant design, 38.2 mm (1.5 in. platform); easy to configure, assemble, and maintain; valves, filters, flowmeters, regulators, and pressure gauges, as well as adapters for additiional surface-mount components
Components: 1.5 in. (38.1 mm) C-seal modular design; Valves: manual and pneumatic diaphragm and bellows-sealed designs; Regulators: manual and preset, high-flow models; Gaskets: C-seal style for 1-, 2-, and 3-port configurations

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Рекомендации по обеспечению репрезентативности проб в аналитической контрольно-измерительной системе
Обеспечение репрезентативности проб в аналитической контрольно-измерительной системе может стать сложной задачей. Узнайте у специалистов компании Swagelok, как выявить основные проблемы и избежать сложностей, вызванных нерепрезентативными пробами.

Cómo el Grupo Shenyang Blower Works Mejoró la Seguridad y la Fiabilidad
Vea cómo Swagelok Shangai ha ayudado a Shenyang Blower Works Group Corporation a conseguir consistencia, fiabilidad y ahorro de costes para sus clientes, a la vez que ha mejorado su propia seguridad y eficiencia de producción.

Un Fabricante de Equipos de Fibra Óptica Aumenta la Eficiencia con Soluciones Personalizadas
Desde la década de los 80, Rosendahl Nextrom ha confiado en Swagelok para impulsar su negocio. Más información sobre las soluciones que permitieron a la empresa superar a sus competidores y seguir siendo un líder de la industria.

Mejora de la producción con ensamblajes de sistemas de fluidos personalizados
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