Swagelok® Manifolds
Swagelok two-, three-, four-, or five-valve manifolds are factory built and tested to deliver reliable solutions for critical instrumentation applications. Direct-mount, remote-mount, or modular systems configurations are available, including low- fugitive-emissions and NACE-compliant alloy versions.
View All ManifoldsSwagelok manifolds minimize potential leak points by putting multiple valves in one body. They are designed for static pressure, liquid level, and differential pressure applications in traditional and compact inline body designs used in instrument, direct-mount, remote-mount, and module systems. Stream selector systems provide double-block-and-bleed (DBB) operation in a single compact module. Versions include:
- V, VB, and VL series two-, three-, and five-valve instrument manifolds
- VE series two-, three-, and five-valve direct-mount manifolds
- Two-valve remote-mount manifolds
- Mod 85 modular instrumentation systems
- Low-Emissions (Low-E) direct- and remote-mount manifolds and Mod 85 systems certified per API 624
- SSV series stream selector systems for process analyzer applications (see video to learn how it works)
Swagelok manifolds’ compact assembly design results in reduced size and weight, making them easy to install and maintain. Manifolds are available in body material options such as stainless steel, carbon steel, and duplex stainless steel, and packing materials such as PTFE for system versatility and Grafoil® for extended temperature ratings.
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2-fach-Ventilblöcke, Instrumentierung
Ventilblöcke mit zwei Nadelventilen aus Edelstahl in regulärer und kompakter Ausführung für eine präzise Druckregelung.

3-fach-Ventilblöcke, Instrumentierung
Ventilblöcke mit drei Nadelventilen aus Edelstahl in regulärer und kompakter Ausführung für eine präzise Druckregelung.

5-fach-Ventilblöcke, Instrumentierung
Ventilblöcke mit fünf Nadelventilen aus Edelstahl in regulärer und kompakter Ausführung für eine präzise Druckregelung.

Ersatzteile und Zubehör
Montagebügel aus Edelstahl für eine einfache Installation und zuverlässige Funktionalität der Ventilblöcke der Serie S.
Kompaktes Probenauswahlsystem für prozessanalytische Anwendungen, in denen eine hohe Korrosionsbeständigkeit erforderlich ist.
Manifolds Catalogs
Locate detailed product information, including materials of construction, pressure and temperature ratings, options, and accessories.
Ventilblöcke und modulare Systeme zur Montage an Instrumenten, Direktmontage und Montage vor Ort; Ventilblöcke der Serien V, VB und VL mit 2, 3 und 5 Ventilen; Direktmontage-Ventilblöcke der Serie VE mit 2, 3 und 5 Ventilen; Ventilblöcke zur Montage vor Ort mit 2 Ventilen; Modulare Instrumentierungssysteme Mod 85
Bietet Doppelblock- und Ablassbetrieb (DBB) in einem kompakten Modul; Konventionelle NPT- und mit ANSI/ISA 76.00.02 kompatible Konstruktionen; Systemdrücke bis 17,2 bar (250 psig) mit 2,8 bar (40 psig) Betätigungsdruck; Integrierte Flussschleife für gleich bleibenden Ausgangsfluss; Großer farbiger Ring zur Anzeige der offenen Position

Calculate Flow Rate for the Right Valve Selection
Use our valve flow coefficient (Cv) calculator to chose a valve sized correctly for your needs.
Use the ToolSwagelok Resources Curated for You

How to Select the Right Valves for Your Industrial Fluid System
Learn how to apply the practical STAMPED method to select the valves most suited to your industrial fluid or sampling system design applications.

Minimize the Costs of Fugitive Emissions with Low-E Valves
Fugitive emissions are a growing concern in the chemical and petroleum refining industry. Certified low-emissions (Low-E) valves can protect your facility and bottom line. Learn what they are, how they are tested, and how they can help you in this post.

How to Isolate Industrial Fluid Systems with Block Valves
The isolation of industrial fluid system lines prior to maintenance is vital to plant safety. One of the safest ways to isolate a fluid system line is to install two block valves. Learn how to design proper configurations for your system.

One New Valve. Three Reasons It Could Change Semiconductor Manufacturing
Find out how the latest innovation in atomic layer deposition (ALD) valve technology is changing the game for high-tech semiconductor manufacturers.

스웨즈락 매니폴드는 한 개의 몸체 안에 여러 개의 밸브를 통합해서 누설 가능 지점이 더 적습니다. 스웨즈락 매니폴드는 계기, Direct-Mount, Remote-Mount, 모듈 시스템에 사용할 수 있도록 전통적 및 컴팩트한 인라인 몸체로 정압, 액체 레벨 및 차압 애플리케이션에 맞게 설계되었습니다. 컴팩트한 조립체 구조로 결과적으로 크기와 무게는 줄어들고 설치와 관리는 쉬워졌습니다. 몸체 재질 옵션으로는 스테인리스강, 탄소강 및 듀플렉스 스테인리스강 이 있으며 패킹 재질로는 시스템 다목적성을 위한 PTFE와 온도 등급의 확장을 위한 Grafoil 등이 있습니다.®