Der Kataloginhalt muss ganz durchgelesen werden, um sicherzustellen, dass der Systementwickler und der Benutzer eine sichere Produktauswahl treffen. Bei der Auswahl von Produkten muss die gesamte Systemanordnung berücksichtigt werden, um eine sichere, störungsfreie Funktion zu gewährleisten. Der Systemdesigner und der Benutzer sind für Funktion, Materialverträglichkeit, entsprechende Leistungsdaten und Einsatzgrenzen sowie für die vorschriftsmäßige Handhabung, den Betrieb und die Wartung verantwortlich.
Warning: Do not mix/interchange Swagelok products or components not governed by industrial design standards, including Swagelok tube fitting end connections, with those of other manufacturers.
316L VIM-VAR UHP Diaphragm Sealed Valve, 6 mm Swagelok Tube Fitting, NC Actuator
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Straight Pattern and Multiport
Fulfill your high-purity or ultrahigh-purity system needs with Swagelok diaphragm-sealed valves, which are available in a wide variety of sizes, materials, and configurations for a range of applications.
Adecuadas para aplicaciones de pureza ultra alta; Cuerpo de acero inoxidable 316L VIM-VAR; Modelos de alta y baja presión; Conexiones finales: VCR®, para soldadura de tubo a tope y para montaje superficial modular; Actuación manual o neumática
Características: Procedimiento de identificación paso a paso de roscas y conexiones finales.
This document specifies guidelines used by Swagelok Company for producing stainless steel products intended for photovoltaic (PV) applications.
Components: 1.5 in. (38.1 mm) C-seal modular design; Valves: manual and pneumatic diaphragm and bellows-sealed designs; Regulators: manual and preset, high-flow models; Gaskets: C-seal style for 1-, 2-, and 3-port configurations
Este documento especifica las directrices de Swagelok® Company, para la fabricación de productos de pureza ultra alta de acero inoxidable electropulido y de plástico. La información contenida en esta especificación debe utilizarse conjuntamente con la de los catálogos, boletines técnicos e informes de producto.
Features: This technical report provides data on Swagelok® DP series diaphragm valves. The report covers: surface finish specifications; inboard helium leak testing; particle counting; moisture analysis; hydrocarbon analysis; ionic cleanliness.
La soldadura debe ser realizada por personal cualificado, como se detalla en la Sección IX del reglamento de calderas y depósitos a presión (Boiler Code) de ASME.
Attribute | Value |
Body Material | 316L VIM-VAR |
Cleaning Process | Special Cleaning and Packaging (SC-11) |
Connection 1 Size | 6 mm |
Connection 1 Type | Swagelok® Tube Fitting |
Connection 2 Size | 6 mm |
Connection 2 Type | Swagelok® Tube Fitting |
CV Maximum | 0.27 |
Maximum Temperature, °F (°C) | 150 (65) |
Minimum Temperature, °F (°C) | -10 (-23) |
eClass (4.1) | 37010206 |
eClass (5.1.4) | 37011800 |
eClass (6.0) | 37011801 |
eClass (6.1) | 37011801 |
UNSPSC (4.03) | 40141602 |
UNSPSC (10.0) | 40141621 |
UNSPSC (11.0501) | 40141621 |
UNSPSC (13.0601) | 40141621 |
UNSPSC (15.1) | 40141621 |
UNSPSC (17.1001) | 40183102 |
Two-dimensional renderings are available for this product. Download the CAD file.
Three-dimensional renderings are available for this product. Download the CAD file.
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If you have questions about this product, please contact your local authorized sales and service center. They can also tell you about supporting services to help you get the most out of your investment.