Les catalogues doivent être lus en entier afin d'assurer une sélection adéquate des produits par le concepteur et l'utilisateur du système. Lors de la sélection des produits, l'intégralité de la conception du système doit être prise en considération pour garantir un fonctionnement fiable et sans incident. La responsabilité de l'utilisation, de la compatibilité des matériaux, du choix de capacités nominales appropriées, d'une installation, d'un fonctionnement et d'une maintenance corrects incombe au concepteur et à l'utilisateur du système.
경고: 스웨즈락의 튜브 피팅 연결구를 포함하여 이러한 제품은 산업 설계 기준에 따라 제조되지 않으므로 스웨즈락의 제품 및 부품을 타 제조업체의 제품 및 부품과 혼합하거나 혼용하여 사용하지 마십시오.
핸들 키트
스웨즈락 밸브에 맞는 다양한 스페어 부품 및 액세서리를 선택하십시오.
■ Рабочее давление до 206 бар (3000 фунтов на кв. дюйм, изб.) ■ Торцевые соединения: трубные обжимные фитинги Swagelok®, резьбовые соединения NPT и соединения с конической трубной резьбой ISO ■ Размеры от 1/8 до 1/2 дюйма и от 6 до 12 мм
Features: Step-by-step identification procedure for threads and end connections.
Features: Limits access to manually actuated valves;Lockout accessory enables compliance with OSHA Lockout/Tagout, Standard 29 CFR Part 1910.147, Control of Hazardous Energy Bright safety orange color promotes high visibility. Other colors are available.
Swagelok® Specification SC-10 defines the cleaning, lubrication, assembly, and packaging requirements for standard Swagelok products and describes practices used to meet these requirements.
Valve sizing often is described by the nominal size of the end connections, but a more important measure is the flow that the valve can provide. And determining flow through a valve can be simple.
для фитингов размером 1 дюйм (25 мм) и меньших
Select the proper template (P4T or P6T). Use the template to mark the location of the mounting bracket holes and the center hole. Drill holes to the required diameter and countersink depth shown on the template.
Procedure for installing Swagelok tube fittings in sizes over 1 inch or 25 mm.
속성 | 값 |
세정 공정 | 표준 세정 및 포장(SC-10) |
시리즈 | P6T 시리즈 |
핸들 색상 | 빨간색 |
핸들 스타일 | 페놀 핸들 |
eClass (4.1) | 37010631 |
eClass (5.1.4) | 37019901 |
eClass (6.0) | 37019102 |
eClass (6.1) | 37019901 |
UNSPSC (4.03) | 40141616 |
UNSPSC (10.0) | 40141616 |
UNSPSC (11.0501) | 40141616 |
UNSPSC (13.0601) | 40141616 |
UNSPSC (15.1) | 40141616 |
UNSPSC (17.1001) | 40183109 |
비슷한 제품
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