Swagelok® Sample Cylinders
Swagelok offers a wide selection of metal sample cylinders that are compliant with various transportation industry standards related to chemical transfer. These durable, pressure-rated metal cylinders also prevent samples from escaping during grab sample system operation and are easy to clean.
View Sample CylindersWith Swagelok® metal sample cylinders, be confident in your ability to maintain the integrity of your product and protect the people handling your containers when transporting chemicals. We offer a wide selection of cylinders that are compliant with US Department of Transportation (DOT), Transport Canada, and Transportable Pressure Equipment Directive (TPED) standards for transportation of chemicals.
These cylinders feature consistent wall thickness, smooth internal neck transitions for easy cleaning, and heavy-wall connections that resist flaring. Swagelok cylinders are also compatible with Swagelok® grab sampling modules, safely containing continuously circulating process fluids for later analysis.
We offer:
- Single-ended cylinders, double-ended cylinders, and miniature sample cylinders
- Cylinders in sizes from 10 to 3785 cm3 (1 gal)
- Cylinders constructed with 304L, 316, 316L, and Alloy 400 materials
- Products handling working pressures up to 5000 psig (344 bar)
- A variety of options including integral valves, outage tubes, and specialty coatings
A sample cylinder maintenance program is essential to keeping your employees save from damaged or worn cylinders. Take a look at the most common questions we get about sample cylinder maintenance. A leading integration and application expert within the Swagelok organization, Matt Dixon, explains vapor space compression, and how to sample safely.
Need more information about sample cylinders?
Cilindros con Dos Conexiones
Vea los cilindros de toma de muestras de dos conexiones disponibles en distintos tamaños en acero inoxidable 304L y 316L.
Cilindros con Una Conexión
Los cilindros de toma de muestras de una sola conexión son cilindros metálicos duraderos y clasificados por presión que impiden que las muestras escapen durante la operación de los paneles de toma de muestra.
Recambios y Accesorios
Conozca las opciones de mandos, tes con disco de ruptura y adaptadores a tubo de derrame que apoyan las actividades de los cilindros de toma de muestras.
Sample Cylinders Catalogs
Locate detailed product information, including materials of construction, pressure and temperature ratings, options, and accessories.
Cilindros de toma de muestra con dos conexiones, de acero inoxidable 304L y 316L; Válvulas para cilindros; Discos de ruptura, y Tes con discos de ruptura; Accesorios para cilindros de toma de muestra
Tamaños desde 10 a 3785 cm3 (1 gal); Presiones de servicio hasta 344 bar (5000 psig); Acero inoxidable 304L y 316L y aleación 400
Swagelok® Sampling System Training
Learn to design effective sampling systems and diagnose and eliminate issues with existing systems, increasing accuracy and efficiency, and reducing costs. Gain valuable knowledge from seasoned instructors, each with over 30 years’ experience, no matter your industry or level of experience.
Explore Sampling TrainingSwagelok Resources Curated for You
Tips to Maintaining a Representative Sample in an Analytical Instrumentation System
Maintaining a representative sample within an analytical instrumentation system can be difficult. Learn how to identify major issues and avoid complications associated with compromised samples.
Grab Sampling 101: Reducing Plant Costs
Grab sample systems allow for safe, efficient sample captures—validating your product’s chemical composition. Learn how to improve your closed loop system’s reliability while reducing plant costs with basics from the experts at Swagelok.
Boost Quality by Selecting the Right Grab Sampling System
Learn how to select the right grab sampling system and other grab sampling basics and best practices to ensure end product quality from Swagelok.
How to Fix Common Grab Sampling Deficiencies
There are several common fluid systems that successful plant operation depends on and outsourcing their fabrication can be highly beneficial if you are short on resources.