Swagelok® 円周溶接機(オービタル・ウェルディング・システム)M200パワー・サプライ
View Welding System EquipmentDesigning and assembling critical fluid systems often requires use of a modern welding system. With the Swagelok M200 welding system, it’s easy to make precise, consistent, quality orbital gas tungsten arc welds (GTAW) cost-effectively. The unit features a lightweight, portable power supply, supports a wide assortment of weld configurations, and is available with a selection of weld heads.
Available tools and accessories include tungsten electrodes, centering gauges, collets, fixtures, adapter cables, and thermal printer paper. The Swagelok orbital welding system also features real-time monitoring and recording capabilities, streamlining documentation for easy adherence to industry requirements.
Swagelok also offers orbital welding training for you and your team through your local sales and service center.
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Welding System Categories
Fixtures and Collets
Find weld head fixtures, fixture blocks, tube collets, adapter inserts, and fixture side plates for accurate, repeatable results in a variety of weld configurations.
Power Supply
Learn about Swagelok® power supply, which enables reliable, consistent orbital gas tungsten arc welding.
Weld Heads
Explore our weld head selection, which can be performed on tubing with a range of outside diameters.
Welding Equipment
Browse a variety of welding equipment options, including thermal printer paper, tungsten electrodes, weld head adapter cables, and centering gauges.
Features: Power supply for reliable, consistent orbital gas tungsten arc welding; Up to 200 A peak output capability; Easy-to-use color touch screen in multiple languages; Integrated mass flow controller automatically controls OD shield gas flow; Weighs less than 50 lb or 23 kg; Compatible with Swagelok welding system weld heads
Features: Available for tube outside diameters ranging from 1/16 to 1/2 in. and 2 to 12 mm; Features a compact size for easy access to confined welding areas; Weld head includes arc gap gauge, centering gauge, micro fixture tool, tool package, and tungsten electrodes
Features: Is available for outside diameters ranging from 1/2 to 2 in. and 12 to 52 mm; Offers versatility for use in a variety of industries; Weld head includes arc gap gauge, tool package, and tungsten electrodes
Features:Accommodates outside diameters ranging from 1/8 to 1/2 in. and 3 to 12 mm; Bench top mounted fixture; Optical speed control—no tachometer or calibration required; Cycle life: 10 000 welds mean-time-to-maintenance (MTTM) for 1/4 in. diameter; 3000 welds MTTM for 1/2 in. diameter; Welding capability: 60 welds per hour for 1/4 in. diameter; 30 welds per hour for 1/2 in. diameter; Adjustable centering gauge included; Integrated work support system available
Available for tube outside diameters from 1/4 to 1 in. and 6 to 25 mm; Provides higher output capabilities; Offers versatility for use in a variety of industries
Features: Is available for outside tube diameters ranging from 1 1/2 to 4 in. and 38.1 to 114.3 mm and pipe diameters ranging from 1 1/4 to 4 in. and 42.2 to 114.3 mm; Offers versatility for use in a variety of industries
Features: Is available for outside diameters ranging from 1/8 to 5/8 in. and 3 to 17.3 mm; Provides higher output capabilities; Offers versatility for use in a variety of industries
円周溶接の原理、Swagelok® 円周溶接機(オービタル・ウェルディング・システム)M200パワー・サプライのセットアップ、操作、トラブルシューティングの方法を学びます。米国溶接協会(AWS)の認証資格を持つ認定溶接検査官(CWI)および認定溶接教育官(CWE)が講師を務めます。
カナダで唯一の加速器質量分析計を有するオタワ大学の先端研究施設において、スウェージロックの流体システムに関する専門知識によって、ラボの機能が向上した事例を紹介します。 スウェージロックの円周溶接トレーニングにより、現場での精度および生産性が向上しました。
重要な流体システムの設計や組み立てを行う際、最先端の溶接システムが必要となるケースは少なくありません。Swagelok M200パワー・サプライを使用すると、ガス・タングステン・アーク溶接(GTAW)を正確かつ一貫して、そしてコスト効率よく行うことができます。Swagelok M200パワー・サプライは軽量かつ持ち運びに便利で、さまざまな溶接形状に対応します。各種ウェルド・ヘッドを使用することができます。タングステン電極、圧力計、コレット、フィクスチャーなどのツールやアクセサリーを選ぶことができます。