Search Results for "aire 400"
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Pressure Gauges, Ultrahigh-Purity and Clean Dry Air
Swagelok ® ultrahigh-purity and clean dry air pressure gauges use a Bourdon tube to reliably monitor positive system pressure and vacuum. Swagelok ® PGU series ultrahigh-purity pressure gauges and Swagelok ® PGC series clean dry air pressure gauges are designed for use in a wide rang...
PTFE-Sealed Quick Connects — Quick Connects
Valves available with these specifications: 1/8 to 1 in. (6 to 12 mm) 0°F (–17°C) to 350°F (176°C) 316 stainless steel, alloy 400 50 psig (3.4 bar) to 4500 psig (310 bar) PTFE-sealed quick-connects feature a flush valve design that reduces air inclusion and spillage, w...
Maritime Certifications Approvals, U.S. Navy Approval Letter - Alloy 400/405
Selective Approval of Monel ¼" To 1" Swagelok Mechanically Attached Fittings (MAF) in Compressed Air Systems on Surface Ships
Maritime Certifications Approvals, U.S. Navy Approval Letter - Alloy 400/405
Selective Approval of Monel ¼” to 1” Swagelok Mechanically Attached Fittings (MAF) in Fluid Systems on Surface Ships