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Sichere Produktauswahl:

Der Kataloginhalt muss ganz durchgelesen werden, um sicherzustellen, dass der Systementwickler und der Benutzer eine sichere Produktauswahl treffen. Bei der Auswahl von Produkten muss die gesamte Systemanordnung berücksichtigt werden, um eine sichere, störungsfreie Funktion zu gewährleisten. Der Systemdesigner und der Benutzer sind für Funktion, Materialverträglichkeit, entsprechende Leistungsdaten und Einsatzgrenzen sowie für die vorschriftsmäßige Handhabung, den Betrieb und die Wartung verantwortlich.

⚠ Warnung: Swagelok-Produkte oder -Bauteile, die nicht den industriellen Entwicklungsnormen entsprechen, einschließlich Swagelok Rohrverschraubungen und Endanschlüsse nicht durch die anderer Hersteller austauschen oder mit den Produkten oder Bauteilen anderer Hersteller vermischen.

  • API Plan 65A Leakage Collection with Reservoir

    API Plan 65A monitors leakage in a single seal arrangement. Connected to the drain port on the gland, a reservoir collects normal leakage and is constantly open to drain. In the event of a seal failure, an orifice fitting on the outlet of the system allows a level transmitter to trigger an alarm due...

  • API Plan 23 Cooled Flush, Recirculated through Seal Chamber

    < Back to Process Side Plans API Plan 23 utilizes a circulation device, typically a pumping ring, to route the fluid from the seal chamber through a cooler before returning the cooled fluid to the seal chamber. A throat bushing isolates the cooled seal chamber flush fluid from the hotter pumped li...

  • Chemical & Refining Tubing System Training

    The Swagelok ® Tubing System Training Program, Chemical and Refining The Swagelok ® Tubing System Training Program, Chemical and Refining is a globally standardized two-day workshop designed to address the small-bore tubing training needs for midstream and downstream applications. It covers tube ...

  • Oil & Gas Tubing System Training

    The Swagelok ® Tubing System Training Program, Oil and Gas The Swagelok ® Tubing System Training Program, Oil & Gas, is a globally standardized two-day workshop designed to address the JIP33 S-716 requirement and give your team thorough instruction on industry best practices for ensuring high-int...

  • Design and Assembly Services

    Optimize Your Fluid System Design with Our Engineering Assembly Services Ensure optimal performance while maintaining production costs of new fluid system assemblies by allowing Swagelok technicians to fabricate a fluid system for you. You will receive a professionally designed, repeatable solution...

  • Leak Detection Case Studies

    Swagelok ® Compressed Gas Leak Detection Services Customer Success Stories Every day, experienced Swagelok fluid system specialists and field engineers  with deep technical and application expertise consult with customers in diverse industries across the globe on fluid system design, installatio...

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