不锈钢提升阀芯单向阀, 固定压力, 1/4 in. 世伟洛克卡套管接头, 1/3 psig (0.03 bar),SC-11 清洁 |
Presión FijaLas válvulas antirretorno controlan el retorno del caudal con un amplio rango de presiones de disparo en aplicaciones de servicio general y de alta pureza. Inicie la sesión o regístrese para ver los precios お問い合わせ本製品に関するご質問は、担当のスウェージロック指定販売会社までお問い合わせください。指定販売会社は、投資を最大限に活用するためのアドバイスも提供いたします。
システム設計者およびユーザーは、製品カタログの内容をすべてご覧になった上で、安全な製品の選定を行ってください。 安全にトラブルなく機能するよう、システム全体の設計を考慮して、製品をご選定ください。 機能、材質の適合性、数値データなどを考慮し製品を選定すること、また、適切な取り付け、操作およびメンテナンスを行うのは、システム設計者およびユーザーの責任ですので、十分にご注意ください。 Advertencia: 请勿将世伟洛克产品或不符合工业设计标准的元件(包括世伟洛克卡套管接头端接)与其他制造商的产品或元件混用/互换。 |
システム設計者およびユーザーは、製品カタログの内容をすべてご覧になった上で、安全な製品の選定を行ってください。 安全にトラブルなく機能するよう、システム全体の設計を考慮して、製品をご選定ください。 機能、材質の適合性、数値データなどを考慮し製品を選定すること、また、適切な取り付け、操作およびメンテナンスを行うのは、システム設計者およびユーザーの責任ですので、十分にご注意ください。
Advertencia: 请勿将世伟洛克产品或不符合工业设计标准的元件(包括世伟洛克卡套管接头端接)与其他制造商的产品或元件混用/互换。
不锈钢提升阀芯单向阀, 固定压力, 1/4 in. 世伟洛克卡套管接头, 1/3 psig (0.03 bar),SC-11 清洁
Inicie la sesión o regístrese para ver los precios
Presión Fija
Las válvulas antirretorno controlan el retorno del caudal con un amplio rango de presiones de disparo en aplicaciones de servicio general y de alta pureza.
Pressions de service jusqu’à 413 bar (6000 psig); Pressions de tarage réglables ou fixes; Divers raccordements d’extrémité; Matériaux en acier inoxydable 316 et laiton
Caractéristiques : Procédure d’identification étape par étape des filetages et raccords.
This document specifies guidelines used by Swagelok® Company and its suppliers to ensure compliance with product cleanliness requirements as stated in ASTM G93 Level C. Application of the document is limited to wetted system components. This document must be used in conjunction with product catalogs, technical bulletins, and reports.
Swagelok® Specification SC-10 defines the cleaning, lubrication, assembly, and packaging requirements for standard Swagelok products and describes practices used to meet these requirements.
Valve sizing often is described by the nominal size of the end connections, but a more important measure is the flow that the valve can provide. And determining flow through a valve can be simple.
Pages 1-3. Features: installation in high-pressure applications and high safety-factor systems.
Procedure for installing Swagelok tube fittings in sizes over 1 inch or 25 mm.
SS-4C-1/3-SC11 — 不锈钢提升阀芯单向阀, 固定压力, 1/4 in. 世伟洛克卡套管接头, 1/3 psig (0.03 bar),SC-11 清洁
Atributo | Valor |
Material del Cuerpo | 316 不锈钢 |
Proceso de Limpieza | 特殊清洁与包装 (SC-11) |
Tamaño conexión 1 | 1/4 in. |
Tipo de conexión 1 | 世伟洛克® 卡套管接头 |
Tamaño conexión 2 | 1/4 in. |
Tipo de conexión 2 | 世伟洛克® 卡套管接头 |
Presión de Disparo | 1/3 psi (0.03 bar, 0.003 MPa) |
Cv Máximo | 0.47 |
Material de la junta tórica | 碳氟 FKM |
Rango de presión a temperatura ambiente | 3000 PSIG @ 100 °F /206 BAR @ 37 °C |
Acabado superficial | 标准 |
Pruebas | 无可选测试 |
eClass (4.1) | 37010801 |
eClass (5.1.4) | 27300400 |
eClass (6.0) | 27300601 |
eClass (6.1) | 27300601 |
UNSPSC (4.03) | 40141601 |
UNSPSC (10.0) | 40141641 |
UNSPSC (11.0501) | 40141641 |
UNSPSC (13.0601) | 40141641 |
UNSPSC (15.1) | 40141641 |
UNSPSC (17.1001) | 40141641 |
Hay disponibles reproducciones bidimensionales para este producto. Descargar el archivo CAD.
Hay disponibles reproducciones tridimensionales para este producto. Descargar el archivo CAD.
Hay planos dimensionales disponibles para este producto. Descargar los archivos
Productos similares
# de Pieza
Material del Cuerpo
Tamaño conexión 1
Tipo de conexión 1
Tamaño conexión 2
Tipo de conexión 2
B-2C2-1/3 | Laiton | 1/8 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/8 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
B-4C-1/3 | Laiton | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
B-4C4-1 | Laiton | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
B-4CP2-1 | Laiton | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
B-4CP2-1/3 | Laiton | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
B-4CP2-25 | Laiton | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
B-4CP2-RT-1 | Laiton | 1/4 po | Filetage conique ISO mâle | 1/4 po | Filetage conique ISO mâle | Ver producto |
B-4CP4-1 | Laiton | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
B-4CP5-1 | Laiton | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
B-6C-1 | Laiton | 3/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 3/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
B-6C-1/3 | Laiton | 3/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 3/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
B-6C-MM-1 | Laiton | 6 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 6 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
B-6C-MM-1/3 | Laiton | 6 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 6 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
B-8C-1 | Laiton | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
B-8C-1/3 | Laiton | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
B-8C4-1 | Laiton | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
B-8CP2-1 | Laiton | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
B-8CP2-10 | Laiton | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-10C-MM-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 10 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 10 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-10C-MM-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 10 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 10 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-10C-MM-10 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 10 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 10 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-12C-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 3/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 3/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-12C-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 3/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 3/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-12C-10 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 3/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 3/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-12C4-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 3/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 3/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
SS-12C-MM-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 12 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 12 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-12C-MM-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 12 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 12 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-16C-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-16C-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-16C-10 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-16C4-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 1 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
SS-2C-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-2C-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-2C-10 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-2C2-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/8 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/8 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-2C-25 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-2C4-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/8 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 1/8 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
SS-2C4-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/8 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 1/8 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
SS-2C-KZ-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/8 po | Raccord pour tube Swagelok® | 1/8 po | Raccord pour tube Swagelok® | Ver producto |
SS-2C-KZ-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-2C-KZ-10 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/8 po | Raccord pour tube Swagelok® | 1/8 po | Raccord pour tube Swagelok® | Ver producto |
SS-4C-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-4C-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-4C-10 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-4C1-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-4C-1-SC11 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-4C2-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-4C2-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-4C2-10 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-4C-25 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-4C4-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
SS-4C4-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
SS-4C4-10 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
SS-4C-5 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-4C-50 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-4C-EP-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-4C-KZ-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-4C-KZ-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-4C-KZ-10 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Raccord pour tube Swagelok® | 1/4 po | Raccord pour tube Swagelok® | Ver producto |
SS-4C-KZ-15 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-4C-KZ-30 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-4CP2-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-4CP2-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-4CP2-10 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-4CP2-100 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-4CP2-25 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-4CP2-5 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-4CP2-50 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-4CP2-KZ-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-4CP2-RT-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male ISO Tapered Thread | 1/4 in. | Male ISO Tapered Thread | Ver producto |
SS-4CP2-RT-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male ISO Tapered Thread | 1/4 in. | Male ISO Tapered Thread | Ver producto |
SS-4CP2-RT-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male ISO Tapered Thread | 1/4 in. | Male ISO Tapered Thread | Ver producto |
SS-4CP4-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4CP4-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4CP4-RT-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Female ISO Tapered Thread | 1/4 in. | Female ISO Tapered Thread | Ver producto |
SS-4CP5-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4CP5-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4CP5-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4CP5-25 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4CP6-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4C-TR-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-4C-VCR-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | Ver producto |
SS-4C-VCR-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | Ver producto |
SS-4C-VCR-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | Ver producto |
SS-4C-VCRKZ-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) W/male Nut | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) W/male Nut | Ver producto |
SS-6C-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-6C-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 3/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 3/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-6C-10 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 3/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 3/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-6C-25 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 3/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 3/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-6C4-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 3/8 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 3/8 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
SS-6C-5 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 3/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 3/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-6C-KZ-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 3/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 3/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-6C-KZ-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 3/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 3/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-6C-MM-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 6 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 6 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-6C-MM-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 6 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 6 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-6C-MM-10 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 6 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 6 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-6C-MM-25 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 6 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 6 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-6C-TR-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 3/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 3/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-8C-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-8C-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-8C-10 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-8C2-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-8C2-25 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-8C-25 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-8C4-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
SS-8C4-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
SS-8C4-10 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
SS-8C-5 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-8C-KZ-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-8C-KZ-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-8CP2-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-8CP2-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-8CP2-10 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-8CP2-25 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-8CP2-KZ-10 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-8CP2-RT-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Filetage conique ISO mâle | 1/2 po | Filetage conique ISO mâle | Ver producto |
SS-8CP4-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
SS-8CP5-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
SS-8C-TR-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-8C-VCR-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Raccord à étanchéité de surface (joint métallique) VCR mâle | 1/2 po | Raccord à étanchéité de surface (joint métallique) VCR mâle | Ver producto |
SS-8C-VCR-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Raccord à étanchéité de surface (joint métallique) VCR mâle | 1/2 po | Raccord à étanchéité de surface (joint métallique) VCR mâle | Ver producto |
SS-8C-VCR-KZ-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Raccord VCR mâle (joint métallique) | 1/2 po | Raccord VCR mâle (joint métallique) | Ver producto |
SS-CHF12-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 3/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 3/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
SS-CHF12RT-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 3/4 po | Taraudage conique ISO | 3/4 po | Taraudage conique ISO | Ver producto |
SS-CHF16-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 1 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
SS-CHF4-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
SS-CHF4-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
SS-CHF4-10 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
SS-CHF6-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 3/8 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 3/8 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
SS-CHF8-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
SS-CHF8-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
SS-CHF8-10 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
SS-CHF8-5 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
SS-CHF8RT-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Taraudage conique ISO | 1/2 po | Taraudage conique ISO | Ver producto |
SS-CHM12-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 3/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 3/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-CHM12-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 3/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 3/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-CHM2-10 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/8 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/8 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-CHM4-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-CHM4-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-CHM4-10 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-CHM4-25 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-CHM4-5 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-CHM4RT-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male ISO Tapered Thread | 1/4 in. | Male ISO Tapered Thread | Ver producto |
SS-CHM8-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Male NPT | 1/2 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-CHM8-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Male NPT | 1/2 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-CHS10MM-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 10 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 10 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS10MM-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 10 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 10 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS12-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS12-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS12-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS12-5 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS12MM-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 12 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 12 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS12MM-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 12 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 12 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS12MM-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 12 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 12 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS12MM-5 | 316 Stainless Steel | 12 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 12 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS16-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS16-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS16-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS2-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS2-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS2-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS2-5 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS2-KZ-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS4-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS4-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS4-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS4-1-SC11 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS4-25 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS4-5 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS4-KZ-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS4-KZ-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS6-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS6-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS6-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS6-100 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS6-25 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS6-5 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS6-BU-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS6-EP-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS6M8-BU-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/2 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-CHS6MM-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 6 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 6 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS6MM-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 6 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 6 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS6MM-25 | 316 Stainless Steel | 6 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 6 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS6MM-5 | 316 Stainless Steel | 6 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 6 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS8-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS8-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS8-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS8-1-SC11 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS8-25 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS8-5 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS8-BU-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS8-EP-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS8-EP-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS8-KZ-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS8MM-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 8 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 8 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS8MM-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 8 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 8 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHVCR4-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | Ver producto |
SS-CHVCR4-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | Ver producto |
SS-CHVCR4-KZ-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | Ver producto |
SS-CHVCR8-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | 1/2 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | Ver producto |
SS-CHVCR8-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | 1/2 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | Ver producto |