Der Kataloginhalt muss ganz durchgelesen werden, um sicherzustellen, dass der Systementwickler und der Benutzer eine sichere Produktauswahl treffen. Bei der Auswahl von Produkten muss die gesamte Systemanordnung berücksichtigt werden, um eine sichere, störungsfreie Funktion zu gewährleisten. Der Systemdesigner und der Benutzer sind für Funktion, Materialverträglichkeit, entsprechende Leistungsdaten und Einsatzgrenzen sowie für die vorschriftsmäßige Handhabung, den Betrieb und die Wartung verantwortlich.
Warning: Do not mix/interchange Swagelok products or components not governed by industrial design standards, including Swagelok tube fitting end connections, with those of other manufacturers.
Actuator Mounting Bracket Kit for 62 Series Ball Valve (133/153 Model Actuators)
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Mounting Bracket Kit
Select from a variety of spare parts and accessories for your Swagelok valve.
Features: 1/8 to 2 in. and 6 to 25 mm sizes; Stainless steel, carbon steel, brass, and special alloy materials; On-off (2-way) and switching (3-way) valves; Compensating seat design; Live-loaded, two-piece stem packing
Features: Operating temperatures up to 400°F (204°C); Working pressures up to 2200 psig (151 bar); Stainless steel or carbon steel construction
Latch lock handle assembly to 4-bolt and 8-bolt 60 series ball valves
Features: Swagelok® electric actuators can be used to control the position of many Swagelok ball valves; alternating- and direct-current models are available. An electrical signal is used to change valve position from remote locations. Integral limit switches provide an output signal of the valve position, even between positions.
Features: Rack and pinion pneumatic actuators, solenoid valves, and limit switches; ISO 5211-compliant pneumatic actuators, solenoid valves, limit switches, and position sensors; Complete actuated assemblies and kits for field assembly available
Scope: This technical report is an overview of the unique concerns that must be addressed in order to handle oxygen safely. It is based on information found in the many source documents available from the publishers listed and is provided as a service to our customers.
Mounting Bracket Kit Contents; Actuator Kit Contents; Tools Required; Actuator Preparation; Valve Preparation; Mounting Instructions.
S60P steam series ball valve maintenance instructions
Valves may be welded into system WITHOUT disassembly; Valve disassembly will damage flange seals and require their replacement; Additional seal kits are available for routine maintenance.
Features: 40G, 40, 60, 83, H83, SK, and FKB Series Valves, AFS Ball Valves; Calculate valve operating torque; Choose actuators and related components; Select mounting bracket kits
Disassemble the cover screws, set them aside, and remove cover; Install wiring as indicated by wiring schematic.
Open the valve; Remove the body fastener from the “C” location on the swing-away side of the valve; Loosen the remaining body fasteners.
This document specifies guidelines used by Swagelok® Company and its suppliers to ensure compliance with product cleanliness requirements as stated in ASTM G93 Level C. Application of the document is limited to wetted system components. This document must be used in conjunction with product catalogs, technical bulletins, and reports.
Using a box wrench, remove the stem nut, stem springs, stop plate and lever handle; 63 series only: Place extended handle positioner plate on stem.
To ensure proper valve function, valve must be installed with flow in the direction indicated by the arrow on the valve body.
注意: 本説明書に従って作業を行う場合は、分解図を必ず参照してください。
注意:FM(Factory Mutual) Approvals 保持のため、F60Tシリーズ・ファイヤー用ボール・バルブの分解/再組み立てにつきましては、スウェージロック指定販売会社までお問い合わせください。
キット内容: 金属製シート/ステム・ベアリング/ステム・スプリング/クワド・リング/ボール/下部パッキン/上部パッキン/パッキン・サポート/潤滑剤/手順説明書/化学物質安全性データ・シート(MSDS)/グランド
注意: 本説明書は、外部取り付け用の突起付きボディの60シリーズ・ボール・バルブにのみ適用されます。
本説明書では、潤滑剤不使用の標準の60T/60E/60C/60V/N60T シリーズ・バルブについて記載しています。
注意: 本説明書に従って作業を行う場合は、シール面にスクラッチ傷などの損傷を与えないようご注意ください。 バルブの性能に影響が出るおそれがあります。
1. スリーブをハンドルから取り外します。/2. スリーブを取り付ける際は、まず未使用のスリーブを軟らかくなるまで約54°C の水道水に漬けます。スリーブをハンドルに素早く取り付けます。ハンドルの端まできっちりスリーブが取り付けられていることを確認してください。
Attribute | Value |
Cleaning Process | Standard Cleaning and Packaging (SC-10) |
For Series | 62 Series and 133/153 Model Actuators |
eClass (4.1) | 27221302 |
eClass (5.1.4) | 37010401 |
eClass (6.0) | 37019204 |
eClass (6.1) | 37019204 |
UNSPSC (4.03) | 40141607 |
UNSPSC (10.0) | 40141616 |
UNSPSC (11.0501) | 40141616 |
UNSPSC (13.0601) | 40141616 |
UNSPSC (15.1) | 40141616 |
UNSPSC (17.1001) | 40183109 |
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