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시스템 설계자와 사용자는 안전한 제품 선택을 위해 전체 카탈로그의 내용을 반드시 검토해야 합니다. 제품을 선택할 때, 안전하고 고장 없는 성능을 보장하기 위해서는 전체 시스템 설계를 고려해야 합니다. 제품의 기능, 재질의 호환성, 적절한 등급, 올바른 설비, 운영 및 유지보수는 시스템 설계자와 사용자의 책임입니다.

⚠ 경고: 스웨즈락의 튜브 피팅 연결구를 포함하여 이러한 제품은 산업 설계 기준에 따라 제조되지 않으므로 스웨즈락의 제품 및 부품을 타 제조업체의 제품 및 부품과 혼합하거나 혼용하여 사용하지 마십시오.

  • Swagelok® Products Compliant with the Transportable Pressure Equipment Directive, TPED

    Products: Double-ended sample cylinders in 304L and 316L stainless steel; Cylinder valves; Rupture disc units and rupture disc tees; Sample cylinder accessories

  • Instrument Manifold Systems

    V, VB, and VL series 2-, 3-, and 5-valve instrument manifolds; VE series 2-, 3-, and 5-valve direct-mount manifolds; 2-valve remote-mount manifolds; Mod 85 modular instrumentation systems

  • Solenoid Valves for Electropneumatically Actuated Bellows and Diaphragm Valves

    The 3-way solenoid valve opens when it receives and electrical signal, allowing air to enter the actuator. Features: indicator light, voltage surge supressor, manual overide button, 24 in. (61 cm) leads, alternating- or direct-current operating voltages, low power consumption

  • Springless Diaphragm Valves 1.125 in for Modular Gas Systems, DE Series

    Features: 1.125 in. C-seal and W-seal designs; Available in two- and three-port configurations; Compact pneumatic and manual actuators; Pneumatic actuator indicator ball: red for normally closed, green for normally open; Fixed orientation of actuator to body for consistency of installation; Corner c...

  • Electric Actuators—141 and 142 Series

    Features: Swagelok® electric actuators can be used to control the position of many Swagelok ball valves; alternating- and direct-current models are available. An electrical signal is used to change valve position from remote locations. Integral limit switches provide an output signal of the valve po...

  • Dielectric Fittings

    Features: Metal components are machined from 316 stainless steel for use in rugged environments; Molded thermoplastic insulation with excellent electrical, chemical, and ultraviolet resistance and low water absorption maintains dielectric strength and integrity over a wide range of operating and cli...

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