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ptfe core hose smooth bore with 316l ss convoluted cover

Swagelok® PTFE Core Hose Smooth Bore with 316L SS Convoluted Cover

Swagelok FP Series PTFE smooth bore core hose has the flexibility and permeation resistance of an all-metal cover and the high-purity and cleanability of a PTFE core that also minimizes turbulence.

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FP series hybrid hose is a low-pressure transfer hose with a 316L stainless steel convoluted cover and smooth-bore PTFE core for where ultra-high purity is critical and permeation is undesirable, especially true in the semiconductor industry. A variety of end connections welded in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section IX are available to allow easy installation into a range of systems.

Watch a Video to Learn More About Permeation

The FP Series smooth bore PTFE hose is available in sizes of 1/4 and 1/2 inch and working pressures from vacuum to 165 psig (11.3 bar).

Choose the Right Core Tube Material


Materials Core: Smooth-Bore PTFE
Reinforcement: Convoluted 316L SS
End connections: 316L SS welded in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX
Nominal Hose Sizes 1/4 and 1/2 in.
Working Pressures Vacuum to 116 psig (8.0 bar)
Temperature Range 0 to 150°F (–17 to 65°C)
End Connections Swagelok tube adapters, rotatable male VCR® metal gasket face seal fittings, rotatable female VCR® metal gasket face seal fittings, female VCO® O-ring face seal fittings, tube butt welds

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Swagelok hose and flexible tubing
3 Steps to Hose Safety & Lower Plant Costs

Industrial hose safety is often deprioritized during regular plant maintenance. It is important hoses receive the attention they deserve—leaks and wear can put your facility at risk. Learn tips to avoid dangerous situations while lowering plant costs.

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