Swagelok® Check and Excess Flow Valves
Swagelok inline check valves come in a range of adjustable and fixed cracking pressures to control back flow in general-service and high-purity applications. Excess flow valves enhance system integrity and safety by eliminating the need for a bypass mechanism.
Check Valves | Designed for fluid flowing in one direction
Excess Flow Valves | Stop the release of excess flow downstream
Swagelok® check valves are designed to allow fluids to flow in one direction only. Our check valves are available in a variety of designs, including poppet, lift, and all-welded versions for use in general-service or high-purity applications, including those featuring medium or high pressures.
Swagelok check valves are available with a variety of end connections and sealing materials, allowing users to find easy-to-integrate solutions compatible with their systems and process media. Certain Swagelok check valves feature all-welded designs to provide reliable containment of system fluid in high-purity applications, and some are composed of ultrahigh-purity fluoropolymer and feature no O-rings, maximizing flow while reducing pressure drop, eliminating no-flow areas, and providing excellent leak integrity.
Swagelok® XS series excess flow valves have a slotted poppet which moves to the tripped position when excess flow occurs downstream, stopping uncontrolled release of system media. They then reset when pressure equalizes. These valves eliminate the need for a complex bypass mechanism while reducing maintenance time.
Learn the differences between cracking pressure and resealing pressure to see if your check valve is working properly.


ポペット式逆止弁、C / CP / CH シリーズ

水素アプリケーションの安全性を高めるべく、Swagelok<sup>®</sup>水素用逆止弁 FKシリーズは、信頼性の高い締め切り、一定方向の流れの維持、高圧のサポートを実現します。
Check Valves Catalogs
Locate detailed product information, including materials of construction, pressure and temperature ratings, options, and accessories.
■ 最高使用圧力:41.3 MPa/■ クラッキング(吹き出し)圧力:調節可能型/固定型/■ 豊富なエンド・コネクション/■ 材質:316ステンレス鋼、真ちゅう
■ 最高使用圧力:413.4 MPa/■ エンド・コネクション・サイズ:1 1/2 インチ、12 mmまで/■ NACE® MR0175/ISO 15156に準拠した製品もございます
■ 溶接式デザインにより、システム流体を確実に封止/■ 0.014 MPaまでの差圧で正方向へ流れ出す/■ 0.014 MPaまでの逆圧で再シールを行う。/■ 316Lステンレス鋼製ボディにより、ボディ材の清浄度/純度が向上/■ 接液・接ガス部の表面仕上げの選択が可能(標準または高純度プロセス仕上げ)/■ 超高純度工程仕様(Swagelok SC-01仕様)に基づいたクリーニングとパッケージングを行うこともできます(オプション)。/■ エンド・コネクション:チューブ突き合わせ溶接、めすVCR® 継手、一体型おすVCR継手、回転可能型おすVCR継手、Swagelokチューブ継手
Features: Alloy 625, alloy 825, and Alloy 2507 super duplex stainless steel materials; Available for CH4 adn Ch8 series check valves; Working pressures up to 6 000 psig (413 bar); 1/4 to 1/2 in. Swagelok tube fitting or NPT end connections; Fixed cracking pressures: 1 to 25 psi (0.07 to 1.8 bar)
■ 次世代PTFE製接液・接ガス部コンポーネント:超高純度システム・コンポーネント向けのSEMI F57-0301 に適合/■ エンド・コネクション:フレアー継手、スーパー300 タイプピラーフィッティング/■ 低いクラッキング圧力および再シール圧力
■ 構成部品はすべてステンレス鋼製で、頑丈/■ 逆方向からの流れの流量係数は、正方向の流量係数の0.1%未満/■ スプリング、エラストマーの使用なし/■ コンパクトなデザイン
■ 最高使用圧力:41.3 MPa/■ 最高使用温度:204℃/■ エンド・コネクション・サイズ:1/8 インチから1/2 インチまで、6 mmから12 mmまで/■ 材質:ステンレス鋼

Calculate Flow Rate for the Right Valve Selection
Use our valve flow coefficient (Cv) calculator to chose a valve sized correctly for your needs.
Use the ToolSwagelok Resources Curated for You

How to Select the Right Valves for Your Industrial Fluid System
Learn how to apply the practical STAMPED method to select the valves most suited to your industrial fluid or sampling system design applications.

Minimize the Costs of Fugitive Emissions with Low-E Valves
Fugitive emissions are a growing concern in the chemical and petroleum refining industry. Certified low-emissions (Low-E) valves can protect your facility and bottom line. Learn what they are, how they are tested, and how they can help you in this post.

선양 고풍기 유한공사(Shenyang Blower Works Group)의 안전 및 신뢰성 개선 사례
선양 고풍기 유한공사(Shenyang Blower Works Group)가 안전과 생산 효율성을 개선하는 동시에 일관성 신뢰성 고객 비용 절감을 실현할 수 있도록 Swagelok Shanghai가 어떻게 지원했는지 알아보십시오.

밸브 및 호스 태그로 유지보수 프로그램을 개선하는 방법
Swagelok 전문가 두 명이 산업용 유체 시스템 전반에 걸쳐 호스와 밸브에 견고한 태깅 시스템을 적용하여 유지보수를 간소화하고 시스템 가동 중단을 최소화할 수 있는 방법을 어떻게 설명하는지 읽어보십시오.