Swagelok® Swaging Tools
Swagelok swaging tools are designed to streamline the installation of Swagelok tube fittings. These tools preswage ferrules onto tubes, which simplifies installation in tight spaces and expedites the process when many Swagelok fittings are needed.
Request More InformationSwagelok swaging tools help you achieve reliable and efficient tubing connections in demanding applications. Several types of Swagelok swaging tools are available to simplify tube fitting installation.

Высокопроизводительные обжимные аппараты, серия HVSU
Узнайте подробнее о высокопроизводительном обжимном аппарата Swagelok для удобного предварительного обжима гайки и обжимных колец Swagelok на трубке из нержавеющей стали.

Многопатронные обжимные аппараты, серия MHSU
Гидравлический обжимной аппарат Swagelok® уменьшает время на сборку и монтаж соединений и упрощает работу операторам благодаря предварительному обжиму колец на трубке.

Ручные инструменты предварительного обжима
Ручные инструменты предварительного обжима доступны в различных размерах, и помогают установить трубные фитинги в стесненных условиях.
Swaging Tool Catalogs
Locate detailed product information, including materials of construction, pressure and temperature ratings, options, and accessories.
Features: The Swagelok® high-volume swaging unit (HVSU) is designed to easily preswage Swagelok nut and ferrules onto stainless steel tubing. The pneumatically driven, electronically controlled, semiautomatic unit utilizes sensors to start and stop the swaging process for consistent swaging results.
Swagelok® tube fittings and tube adapters reduce the risk of costly system downtime with reliable tubing connections and are available in a variety of sizes and materials.

The Swagelok® Tube Fitting Advantage
Swagelok tube fittings are designed to meet your highest expectations for safety and dependability, featuring proven design, precise manufacturing, and superior raw materials.
Discover the AdvantageSwagelok Resources Curated for You

Using a Swagelok® Multihead Swaging Unit
Learn how to use a Swagelok multihead hydraulic swaging unit (MHSU) to pre-swage a set of ferrules to specific tubing sizes.

Find the Right Tool for the Job: Considerations for Plant Equipment
Which tools and equipment must plant operators and technicians keep on hand at all times? From advanced orbital welding systems to basic tube deburring tools, there are essential tools for every connection, and it pays to be prepared.

How to Avoid System Leaks: The Importance of Proper Tube Preparation
A successful tube fitting depends on many criteria, but one of the most important is proper tube preparation before installation. Learn to avoid costly or dangerous leaks by avoiding damaged, burred, or improperly cut tubes.

Case Study: Swagelok Helps Green Alternative Systems Control Labor Costs with Tube Bending Solutions
With Swagelok’s help testing ways to control labor costs, Green Alternative Systems (GAS) experienced a 75% reduction in production time – which translated into $224,000 in annual labor savings. Read more about how the collaboration paid off.