Système de soudure orbitale M200 Swagelok®
Pour les projets qui nécessitent une technique de soudage efficace et produisant des soudures régulières, le système de soudure orbitale Swagelok offre précision et contrôle, associés à une grande facilité d’utilisation grâce à un écran tactile simple et convivial. Économique, il permet de réaliser des soudures à l’arc au tungstène (soudure TIG) fiables sur des tubes et des tuyaux.
View Welding System EquipmentDesigning and assembling critical fluid systems often requires use of a modern welding system. With the Swagelok M200 welding system, it’s easy to make precise, consistent, quality orbital gas tungsten arc welds (GTAW) cost-effectively. The unit features a lightweight, portable power supply, supports a wide assortment of weld configurations, and is available with a selection of weld heads.
Available tools and accessories include tungsten electrodes, centering gauges, collets, fixtures, adapter cables, and thermal printer paper. The Swagelok orbital welding system also features real-time monitoring and recording capabilities, streamlining documentation for easy adherence to industry requirements.
Swagelok also offers orbital welding training for you and your team through your local sales and service center.
Have questions about orbital welding?

고정기(Fixture) 및 콜릿(Collet)
다양한 용접 구성에서 정확하고 반복 가능한 결과를 제공하는 용접 헤드 고정기(Fixture), 고정기(Fixture) 블록, 튜브 콜릿, 어댑터 인서트, 고정기(Fixture) 사이트 플레이트를 찾아보십시오.
Catalogues du système de soudure
Trouver des informations détaillées sur nos produits – matériaux de fabrication, pressions et températures nominales, options, accessoires, etc.
특징; 안정적이고 일관된 괘도형 가스 텅스턴 아크 용접용 전원 공급 장치; 최대 200 A의 피크 출력 기능; 다국어가 지원되는 사용이 편리한 터치 스크린; OD 실드 가스 유량을 자동 조절하는 내장형 질량 유량계; 23kg(약 50lb) 미만의 무게; Swagelok 용접 시스템 용접 헤드와 호환 가능
Features: Available for tube outside diameters ranging from 1/16 to 1/2 in. and 2 to 12 mm; Features a compact size for easy access to confined welding areas; Weld head includes arc gap gauge, centering gauge, micro fixture tool, tool package, and tungsten electrodes
Features: Is available for outside diameters ranging from 1/2 to 2 in. and 12 to 52 mm; Offers versatility for use in a variety of industries; Weld head includes arc gap gauge, tool package, and tungsten electrodes
Features:Accommodates outside diameters ranging from 1/8 to 1/2 in. and 3 to 12 mm; Bench top mounted fixture; Optical speed control—no tachometer or calibration required; Cycle life: 10 000 welds mean-time-to-maintenance (MTTM) for 1/4 in. diameter; 3000 welds MTTM for 1/2 in. diameter; Welding capability: 60 welds per hour for 1/4 in. diameter; 30 welds per hour for 1/2 in. diameter; Adjustable centering gauge included; Integrated work support system available
Available for tube outside diameters from 1/4 to 1 in. and 6 to 25 mm; Provides higher output capabilities; Offers versatility for use in a variety of industries
Pages 1-2. Tête de soudage série 40: disponible pour diamètres extérieurs allant de 38,1 à 104 mm (1 1/2 à 4 po.); Procure une solution de soudage idéale dans les industries des biotechnologies et des semi-conducteurs, entre autres; comprend un bloc de f
Features: Is available for outside diameters ranging from 1/8 to 5/8 in. and 3 to 17.3 mm; Provides higher output capabilities; Offers versatility for use in a variety of industries

Formation à la soudure orbitale
Découvrez les principes de la soudure orbitale et apprenez comment installer, exploiter et dépanner le système de soudure M200 de Swagelok® avec des vérificateurs ou des formateurs certifiés en soudure.
Découvrir la formation à la soudure orbitaleDes ressources préparées pour vous par Swagelok

Инструменты для новых специалистов по сварке
Растущий дефицит сварщиков угрожает будущему мирового производства. Автоматическая орбитальная сварка может помочь в решении этой проблемы, однако она требует соответствующего обучения. Узнайте, на что обратить внимание, выбирая программу подготовки начинающих сварщиков.

Как найти подходящий инструмент: вопросы оснащения производства
Какие инструменты и оборудование операторам и техническим специалистам нужно постоянно иметь под рукой? От передовых систем орбитальной сварки до простейших приспособлений для снятия заусенцев с трубок: на каждом соединении нужен свой инструмент, а готовность к любой ситуации выгодна прежде всего предприятию.

Combler le déficit de compétences en fabrication avec une équipe bien formée
Avec une main-d’œuvre industrielle vieillissante et proche de la retraite, le secteur manufacturier se tourne vers les jeunes générations pour remplacer un personnel expert. Découvrez comment concevoir un programme de formation efficace sur les systèmes fluides.

Fluid System Expertise Improves Lab Functionality
Learn how Swagelok’s fluid system expertise helped the University of Ottawa improve its lab functionality at its Advanced Research Complex, a facility housing Canada’s only accelerator mass spectrometer. Orbital welding training from Swagelok helped elevate shop precision and productivity.