DP 시리즈 UHP 고압 다이어프램 밸브용 Elgiloy® 밀폐 키트 |
Diaphragm and Seal KitSelect from a variety of spare parts and accessories for your Swagelok valve. Log in or Register to view price ContactIf you have questions about this product, please contact your local authorized sales and service center. They can also tell you about supporting services to help you get the most out of your investment.
Safe Product Selection
The complete catalog contents must be reviewed to ensure that the system designer and user make a safe product selection. When selecting products, the total system design must be considered to ensure safe, trouble-free performance. Function, material compatibility, adequate ratings, proper installation, operation, and maintenance are the responsibilities of the system designer and user. Warning: 스웨즈락의 튜브 피팅 연결구를 포함하여 이러한 제품은 산업 설계 기준에 따라 제조되지 않으므로 스웨즈락의 제품 및 부품을 타 제조업체의 제품 및 부품과 혼합하거나 혼용하여 사용하지 마십시오. |
The complete catalog contents must be reviewed to ensure that the system designer and user make a safe product selection. When selecting products, the total system design must be considered to ensure safe, trouble-free performance. Function, material compatibility, adequate ratings, proper installation, operation, and maintenance are the responsibilities of the system designer and user.
Warning: 스웨즈락의 튜브 피팅 연결구를 포함하여 이러한 제품은 산업 설계 기준에 따라 제조되지 않으므로 스웨즈락의 제품 및 부품을 타 제조업체의 제품 및 부품과 혼합하거나 혼용하여 사용하지 마십시오.
DP 시리즈 UHP 고압 다이어프램 밸브용 Elgiloy® 밀폐 키트
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Diaphragm and Seal Kit
Select from a variety of spare parts and accessories for your Swagelok valve.
Features: Suitable for ultrahigh-purity applications; 316L VIM-VAR stainless steel body; Low-pressure and high-pressure models; VCR®, tube butt weld, and modular surface-mount end connections; Manual or pneumatic actuation
Features: Step-by-step identification procedure for threads and end connections.
This document specifies guidelines used by Swagelok Company for producing stainless steel products intended for photovoltaic (PV) applications.
Components: 1.5 in. (38.1 mm) C-seal modular design; Valves: manual and pneumatic diaphragm and bellows-sealed designs; Regulators: manual and preset, high-flow models; Gaskets: C-seal style for 1-, 2-, and 3-port configurations
Scope: This document specificies guidelines used by Swagelok® Company for producing ultrahigh-purity (UHP) electropolished stainless steel products as well as ultrahigh-purity plastic products. This document must be used in conjunction with product catalogs, technical bulletins, and reports for complete product information.
Features: This technical report provides data on Swagelok® DP series diaphragm valves. The report covers: surface finish specifications; inboard helium leak testing; particle counting; moisture analysis; hydrocarbon analysis; ionic cleanliness.
Welding should be done by qualified personnel as outlined in Section IX of the ASME Boiler Code. Weld filler material should be the same as the base material.
E-3DK-DP — DP 시리즈 UHP 고압 다이어프램 밸브용 Elgiloy® 밀폐 키트
Attribute | Value |
Body Material | Elgiloy |
eClass (4.1) | 37010602 |
eClass (5.1.4) | 37011892 |
eClass (6.0) | 23070000 |
eClass (6.1) | 37019102 |
UNSPSC (4.03) | 40141616 |
UNSPSC (10.0) | 40141616 |
UNSPSC (11.0501) | 31181606 |
UNSPSC (13.0601) | 40141616 |
UNSPSC (15.1) | 40141616 |
UNSPSC (17.1001) | 40141616 |
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