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  • Do’s and Don’ts for Sampling System Accuracy

    Do’s and Don’ts for Sampling System Accuracy Ken Backus, Field Engineer (North America) Reliable process sample accuracy can be a challenge for even the most experienced fluid system engineers and analyzer technicians. Often, identifying the cause of inaccuracies can feel like something of a gue...

  • What is an Industrial Hose: Everything You Need to Know

    Everything You Need to Know About Industrial Hoses  How well do you know your industrial hoses? Knowing how to choose a hose that best suits the needs of your application can lead to safer, more efficient system operation. Your ability to distinguish between material types, cores, end connecti...

  • Field Engineering Spotlight: Alice Chin, Field Engineering Supervisor, Southeast Asia

    Field Engineering Spotlight: Alice Chin, Field Engineering Supervisor, Southeast Asia In a new series, Swagelok Reference Point is highlighting field engineering services —our global, boots-on-the-ground team of engineering experts who are tasked with solving our customers’ toughest challenges. T...

  • Inventory and Innovation at a Carbon Capture Company

    Consignment Inventory Helps Carbon Capture Tech Company Save Thousands Annually Failure is not an option for carbon capture company LanzaTech’s Georgia-based facility, Freedom Pines—especially when doing the important work of helping its customers convert carbon emissions into usable fuels and chem...

  • Swagelok & HOERBIGER Collaborate to Reduce NOx Emissions on Legacy Engines

    Swagelok Custom Solutions Helps HOERBIGER Reduce CO, NOx Emissions on Legacy Engines by 80 Percent Trey Sinkfield, Field Engineering Manager, Swagelok Southeast Texas After multiple attempts to work with local machine shops, HOERBIGER Engineering Services (HES) turned to Swagelok for help. Th...

  • How to Select Valves for Industrial Fluid Systems

    How to Select the Right Valves for Your Industrial Fluid System Valve selection is an important part of proper design and maintenance practices for industrial, piping, and instrumentation systems. Without the right valve for a specific application, operators could face improper or poor fluid system...

  • Why a Hydrogen Compressors Manufacturer Depends on High-Quality Fittings

    Q&A: PDC Machines Discusses How It Delivers Mission-Critical Hydrogen The market for hydrogen mobility  continues to grow, and that means original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) must continue innovating to meet escalating customer demands. To compete effectively in this market, dependable qual...

  • Our Most Popular Blogs in 2021

    Your Most Pressing Questions Answered: 2021 in Review From semiconductor fabs to offshore oil and gas platforms to research laboratories, our customers do business in a variety of high-stakes environments. But sometimes, these diverse industries face common challenges. These shared challenges are...

  • Q&A: Semiconductor Manufacturing Past, Present, and Future

    Semiconductor Manufacturing Past, Present, and Future: A Q&A with Industry Consultant Carl White Moore’s Law , a concept first put forth by Intel co-founder Gordon E. Moore in 1965, predicted that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit (or microchip) will need to double every two yea...

  • Sample Cylinder Maintenance FAQ: What You Should Know

    FAQ: What You Should Know About Sample Cylinder Maintenance Tristian McCallion, custom solutions manager, Swagelok Edmonton In any industrial environment where grab sampling is a part of regular operations, keeping your sample cylinders in safe working condition is a necessity. Damaged or...

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