Swagelok® Hoses and Flexible Tubing
Swagelok offers a broad selection of general industrial and high-purity hoses with a variety of core materials, reinforcement styles, end connections, and insulation options to meet diverse liquid and gas transportation needs.
Hose | A multiple-layered flexible conduit to convey fluid
Flexible Tubing | A single-layered flexible conduit to convey fluid
Swagelok’s breadth of hose types enables sourcing a high-quality hose for a range of applications from one provider. We own the design of all bulk hoses, and they are built according to exact Swagelok specifications to deliver strong performance even in extreme applications. Products are available with the pressure ratings, materials of construction, and flexibility to help keep team members safe, equipment online, and operations profitable.
Hoses are available in metal, PTFE, thermoplastic, and rubber. They come in nominal hose sizes 1/8 to 2 inches, with a wide range of fractional and metric end connections and custom length options.
There are also hundreds of Swagelok-certified hose advisors located across the globe who can help you select optimal hoses for your applications, troubleshoot your hose problems, and teach you how to properly maintain your hoses to maximize fluid system performance.
Категории шлангов и гибких трубок

Гибкие трубки
- Гибкие трубки PFA
- Гофрированные металлические трубки
- Металлические трубки серий FZ и FN
- Торцевые соединения
- Трубки из винила, серия LT

Запасные части и вспомогательное оборудование
- Изоляция шлангов
- Инструменты для прорезания канавок
- Оболочки шлангов
- Резаки для шлангов
- Шланговые хомуты

Программа теплового контура
Откройте для себя новейшие разработки в области оптимизации тепловых контуров, производства полупроводниковых пластин, шлангов для охладителей и усовершенствований линий с помощью Swagelok.

Шланг с металлической центральной трубкой
- Гибкий металлический шланг, серия FJ
- Гибкий металлический шланг, серия FL
- Гибкий металлический шланг, серия FM
- Металлический шланг высокого давления, серия FX
- Металлический шланг с вакуумной изоляцией, серия FV

Шланг с центральной трубкой из фторопласта (PTFE) и перфторалкокси (PFA)
- Шланг с центральной трубкой из перфторалкокси (PFA) и гладким каналом
- Шланги с гофрированной оболочкой из нерж. стали 316L и тефлоновой центральной трубкой с гладким каналом
- Шланги с тефлоновой центральной трубкой и гладким каналом, серия B
- Шланги с тефлоновой центральной трубкой и гладким каналом, серия F
- Шланги с тефлоновой центральной трубкой и гладким каналом, серия S
Hose and Flexible Tubing Catalogs
Available in hose sizes of 1/8 to 2 in. with a wide range of fractional and metric end connections, Swagelok offers hose in metal, PTFE, thermoplastic, and rubber core tube materials. Find detailed product information, including materials of construction, pressure and temperature ratings, tools and accessories, and options such as ECE R110 approval and hose tags in the product literature provided here.
Swagelok® hose and tubing products are available in custom lengths, in diameters 2 inches and under, and with many types of end connections, core materials, and reinforcement styles to suit a broad spectrum of pressures and temperatures.

Swagelok® Hose Advisory Services
Learn how to enhance your hose selection, installation, inspection, and maintenance procedures to improve hose life and performance, reducing costs in the process.
Read About Hose ManagementSwagelok Resources Curated for You

3 Steps to Hose Safety & Lower Plant Costs
Industrial hose safety is often deprioritized during regular plant maintenance. It is important hoses receive the attention they deserve—leaks and wear can put your facility at risk. Learn tips to avoid dangerous situations while lowering plant costs.

How an Industrial Hose Maintenance Plan Could Save Your Plant Thousands
Knowing the proper time to replace your industrial hoses can save your plant thousands in maintenance costs. Learn how to evaluate your systems and develop a preventive maintenance plan to manage the health of your hoses.

Industrial Hose Replacement: Core Tube Material Considerations
When selecting an industrial hose, the first place to start is the core tube—the hose’s innermost layer. Learn how to select the ideal hose for your application with information on core tube materials & wall construction from the experts at Swagelok.

How to Select the Right Hose Reinforcement
Industrial hoses typically contain critical reinforcement layers that contribute to longevity and performance. Learn about different reinforcement layer types and which is best suited for different fluid system applications.