스웨즈락® 벨로우즈 밸브
벨로우즈 밸브는 다양한 유량계수와 스템팁 재질 옵션으로 일반산업 및 고순도 서비스에서 대기중으로 누설을 방지하기 위하여 패킹이 없는 구조와 용접된 밀폐를 사용하였습니다.
View Bellows ValvesSwagelok bellows-sealed valves are available in a variety of styles and configurations, allowing users to find options that work well in their general and high-purity applications. Options include gasketed or welded body-to-bellows seals, stem tips for shutoff or regulating service, a variety of end connections, a wide range of flow coefficients, and panel or bottom mounting.
- Specialized Swagelok bellows-sealed valves with micrometer handles allow for precise, repeatable flow setting by allowing stem position changes in as little as 0.001 in. (0.025 mm) increments
- Compact Swagelok bellows-sealed valves for switching service allow for flow to be changed from one line to another using manual and spring-return or double-acting pneumatic actuators
- High-pressure, pneumatically actuated Swagelok bellows-sealed valves can handle elevated working pressures and temperatures to match process requirements
- Select Swagelok bellows-sealed valves feature a secondary containment system that prevents leaks to atmosphere even if the primary seal fails, enhancing reliability, versatility, and safety
Need help choosing bellows valves?
Bellows-Sealed Valves Categories

Bellows-Sealed Multi-Valve Manifolds, V3 Series
The Swagelok® 3-valve manifold uses bellows-sealed valves for systems with difficult fluid containment requirements.

Bellows-Sealed Valves for Switching Service, BY Series
Discover the BY Series Bellows-Sealed Valve for switching service. Compact, packless design with Torlon® stem guide for consistent shutoff.

General-Service Bellows Valves, B and H Series
Ensure reliable shutoff with precision-formed metal bellows valves with gasketed or welded body-to-bellows seals and stem tips for regulating service.

High-Pressure Bellows Valves, HB Series
Explore high-pressure, pneumatically actuated bellows-sealed valves with all-metal seal to atmosphere and with full pressure rating in either direction.

High-Purity Bellows Valves, BN Series
Discover high-purity valves with positive stem retraction, smooth actuation, and union bonnet construction for enhanced cycle life and cleanliness.

High-Temp Bellows Valves with Secondary Packing, U Series
Enhance reliability and versatility with Swagelok® U series bellows-sealed valves, which feature a secondary containment system that prevents atmospheric leaks.

Metering Bellows Valves, BM Series
Reliable metering bellows valves feature a hardened stainless steel actuator, six-turn max flow, and slotted handles for screwdriver adjustments.

Pneumatic Actuators
Enhance your system's performance with high-quality pneumatic actuators for bellows-sealed valves, designed for reliable and precise fluid control.

Spare Parts and Accessories
Find high-quality components designed for optimal compatibility. Spare parts and accessories for stem tip kits, bellows kits, indicator switch kits, and gasket kits.
Finden Sie detaillierte Produktinformationen, einschließlich Werkstoffe, Druck- und Temperaturbereiche, Optionen und Zubehör.
Swagelok® B series bellows-sealed valves are available in a range of configurations to meet a variety of system needs. Gasketed and weld body-to-bellows seals, shutoff and regulating stem tips, and several end connections are offered.
Swagelok® BM series bellows-sealed metering valves use a micrometer handle for precise, repeatable flow settings at pressures up to 700 psig (48.2 bar) and temperatures up to 900°F (482°C).
Features: Compact size; Working pressures up to 1000 psig (68.9 bar); Temperatures up to 600˚F (315˚C)
Features: Compact, packless valve switches flow from one line to another. Torlon® stem guide ensures proper alignment for consistent shutoff performance. Manual and spring-return and double-acting pneumatic actuators are available. End connections include 1/4 in. Swagelok® VCR® metal gasket face seal fittings and 1/4 in. Swagelok tube fittings.
Packless valves with all-metal seal to atmosphere; Working pressures up to 3500 psig (241 bar); Temperatures up to 400°F (204°C); VCR® face seal fitting, Swagelok® tube fitting, and weld end connections
Features: Secondary containment system above the bellows; Working pressures up to 2500 psig (172 bar); Temperatures up to 1200°F (648°C); 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 3/4, and 1 in.; 6, 10, and 12 mm end connections; Stainless steel material
Features: Packless valves with all-metal seal to atmosphere; Working pressures up to 500 psig (34.4 bar); Temperatures up to 200°F (93°); 1/4 to 1/2 in. and 6 to 12 mm end connections

Berechnung der Durchflussmenge für die Ventilauswahl
Verwenden Sie unser Durchflusskoeffizient-Berechnungsprogramm (Cv), um das richtige Ventil für Ihre Zwecke zu wählen.
Verwenden Sie das ToolSwagelok Ressourcen, die wir für Sie zusammengestellt haben

Auswahl des richtigen Ventils für Ihr industrielles Fluidsystem
Lernen Sie, wie Sie mithilfe der STAMPED-Methode die Ventile auswählen können, die am besten für Ihre industriellen Fluid- oder Probenahmesystem-Designanwendungen geeignet sind.

Minimieren Sie die Kosten von flüchtigen Emissionen mit "Low-E-Ventilen"
Flüchtige Emissionen bereiten zunehmend Probleme in der Chemiebranche und in Petroleum-Raffinerien. Zertifizierte Niedrigemission-(Low-E)-Ventile können Ihr Werk und Ihren Profit schützen . Erfahren Sie in diesem Post, was sie sind, wie sie getestet werden und wie Sie Ihnen helfen können.

Isolieren industrieller Fluidsysteme mit Blockventilen
Die Isolierung von Systemleitungen, die industrielle Fluids enthalten, ist vor jeglichen Wartungsarbeiten ein wichtiger Schritt, um die Sicherheit in einem Werk zu garantieren . Eine der sichersten Art und Weise, ein Fluidsystem zu isolieren, ist die Installation von zwei Absperrventilen. Lernen Sie die richtigen Konfigurationen für Ihr System kennen.

Ein neues Ventil Drei Gründe, warum es die Halbleiterherstellung ändern könnte
Erfahren Sie, wie die neuesten Innovationen in der Atomschichtsedimentierungs (Atomic Layer Deposition - ALD) Ventiltechnologie die Hich-Tech-Halbleiter-Herstellung ändern.

Faltenbalgventile liefern zuverlässige, leckdichte Leistung mit einem packungslosen Design und einer geschweißten Abdichtung, um Leckagen an die Atmosphäre zu verhindern, wo diese Abdichtung besonders wichtig ist. Eine Vielzahl an Typen, Spindelspitzenwerkstoffen, Durchflusskoeffizientbereichen und Endanschlüssen bieten Optionen zum Einsatz in allgemeinen und hochreinen Anwendungen.