ステンレス鋼製ポペット式逆止弁、最高使用圧力:6000 psig(413 bar)、1/4 インチ・サイズSwagelokチューブ継手、5 psig(0.35 bar) |
Presión FijaLas válvulas antirretorno controlan el retorno del caudal con un amplio rango de presiones de disparo en aplicaciones de servicio general y de alta pureza. Inicie la sesión o regístrese para ver los precios ContactIf you have questions about this product, please contact your local authorized sales and service center. They can also tell you about supporting services to help you get the most out of your investment.
Safe Product Selection
The complete catalog contents must be reviewed to ensure that the system designer and user make a safe product selection. When selecting products, the total system design must be considered to ensure safe, trouble-free performance. Function, material compatibility, adequate ratings, proper installation, operation, and maintenance are the responsibilities of the system designer and user. Advertencia: スウェージロック製品、または工業設計規格に準拠していない部品(Swagelokチューブ継手エンド・コネクションを含む)は、他社製品との混用や互換は絶対に行わないでください。 |
The complete catalog contents must be reviewed to ensure that the system designer and user make a safe product selection. When selecting products, the total system design must be considered to ensure safe, trouble-free performance. Function, material compatibility, adequate ratings, proper installation, operation, and maintenance are the responsibilities of the system designer and user.
Advertencia: スウェージロック製品、または工業設計規格に準拠していない部品(Swagelokチューブ継手エンド・コネクションを含む)は、他社製品との混用や互換は絶対に行わないでください。
ステンレス鋼製ポペット式逆止弁、最高使用圧力:6000 psig(413 bar)、1/4 インチ・サイズSwagelokチューブ継手、5 psig(0.35 bar)
Inicie la sesión o regístrese para ver los precios
Presión Fija
Las válvulas antirretorno controlan el retorno del caudal con un amplio rango de presiones de disparo en aplicaciones de servicio general y de alta pureza.
Pressions de service jusqu’à 413 bar (6000 psig); Pressions de tarage réglables ou fixes; Divers raccordements d’extrémité; Matériaux en acier inoxydable 316 et laiton
Features: Alloy 625, alloy 825, and Alloy 2507 super duplex stainless steel materials; Available for CH4 adn Ch8 series check valves; Working pressures up to 6 000 psig (413 bar); 1/4 to 1/2 in. Swagelok tube fitting or NPT end connections; Fixed cracking pressures: 1 to 25 psi (0.07 to 1.8 bar)
Caractéristiques : Procédure d’identification étape par étape des filetages et raccords.
This document specifies guidelines used by Swagelok® Company and its suppliers to ensure compliance with product cleanliness requirements as stated in ASTM G93 Level C. Application of the document is limited to wetted system components. This document must be used in conjunction with product catalogs, technical bulletins, and reports.
Swagelok® Specification SC-10 defines the cleaning, lubrication, assembly, and packaging requirements for standard Swagelok products and describes practices used to meet these requirements.
Valve sizing often is described by the nominal size of the end connections, but a more important measure is the flow that the valve can provide. And determining flow through a valve can be simple.
Pages 1-3. Features: installation in high-pressure applications and high safety-factor systems.
Procedure for installing Swagelok tube fittings in sizes over 1 inch or 25 mm.
SS-CHS4-5 — ステンレス鋼製ポペット式逆止弁、最高使用圧力:6000 psig(413 bar)、1/4 インチ・サイズSwagelokチューブ継手、5 psig(0.35 bar)
Atributo | Valor |
Material del anillo soporte | PTFE |
Material del Cuerpo | 316 ステンレス鋼 |
Proceso de Limpieza | 標準のクリーニングおよびパッケージング(Swagelok SC-10仕様) |
Tamaño conexión 1 | 1/4 インチ |
Tipo de conexión 1 | Swagelok®チューブ継手 |
Tamaño conexión 2 | 1/4 インチ |
Tipo de conexión 2 | Swagelok®チューブ継手 |
Presión de Disparo | 5 psi(0.35 bar、0.035 MPa) |
Cv Máximo | 0.67 |
Material de la junta tórica | フルオロカーボンFKM |
Rango de presión a temperatura ambiente | 6000 PSIG @ 100°F/413 BAR @ 37℃ |
Acabado superficial | 標準 |
Pruebas | オプションのテストなし |
eClass (4.1) | 37010801 |
eClass (5.1.4) | 27300400 |
eClass (6.0) | 27300601 |
eClass (6.1) | 27300601 |
UNSPSC (4.03) | 40141601 |
UNSPSC (10.0) | 40141641 |
UNSPSC (11.0501) | 40141641 |
UNSPSC (13.0601) | 40141641 |
UNSPSC (15.1) | 40141641 |
UNSPSC (17.1001) | 40183101 |
Hay disponibles reproducciones bidimensionales para este producto. Descargar el archivo CAD.
Hay disponibles reproducciones tridimensionales para este producto. Descargar el archivo CAD.
Hay planos dimensionales disponibles para este producto. Descargar los archivos
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# de Pieza
Material del Cuerpo
Tamaño conexión 1
Tipo de conexión 1
Tamaño conexión 2
Tipo de conexión 2
B-2C2-1/3 | Laiton | 1/8 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/8 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
B-4C-1/3 | Laiton | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
B-4C4-1 | Laiton | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
B-4CP2-1 | 황동 | 1/4인치 | 수나사 NPT | 1/4인치 | 수나사 NPT | Ver producto |
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B-4CP2-25 | Laiton | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
B-4CP2-RT-1 | Laiton | 1/4 po | Filetage conique ISO mâle | 1/4 po | Filetage conique ISO mâle | Ver producto |
B-4CP4-1 | Laiton | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
B-4CP5-1 | Laiton | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
B-6C-1 | Laiton | 3/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 3/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
B-6C-1/3 | Laiton | 3/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 3/8 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
B-6C-MM-1 | Laiton | 6 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 6 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
B-6C-MM-1/3 | Laiton | 6 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 6 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
B-8C-1 | Laiton | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
B-8C-1/3 | Laiton | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
B-8C4-1 | Laiton | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
B-8CP2-1 | Laiton | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
B-8CP2-10 | Laiton | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-10C-MM-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 10 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 10 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-10C-MM-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 10 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 10 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-10C-MM-10 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 10 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 10 mm | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-12C-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 3/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 3/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-12C-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 3/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 3/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-12C-10 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 3/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 3/4 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-12C4-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 3/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 3/4 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
SS-12C-MM-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 12 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 12 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-12C-MM-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 12 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 12 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-16C-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-16C-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-16C-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-16C4-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1 in. | Female NPT | 1 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-2C-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-2C-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-2C-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-2C2-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/8 in. | Male NPT | 1/8 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-2C-25 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-2C4-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/8 in. | Female NPT | 1/8 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-2C4-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/8 in. | Female NPT | 1/8 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-2C-KZ-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-2C-KZ-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-2C-KZ-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-4C-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-4C-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-4C-1/3-SC11 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-4C-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-4C1-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-4C-1-SC11 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-4C2-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4C2-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4C2-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4C-25 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-4C4-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4C4-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4C4-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4C-5 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-4C-50 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-4C-EP-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-4C-KZ-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-4C-KZ-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-4C-KZ-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-4C-KZ-15 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-4C-KZ-30 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-4CP2-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4CP2-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4CP2-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4CP2-100 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4CP2-25 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4CP2-5 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4CP2-50 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4CP2-KZ-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4CP2-RT-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male ISO Tapered Thread | 1/4 in. | Male ISO Tapered Thread | Ver producto |
SS-4CP2-RT-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male ISO Tapered Thread | 1/4 in. | Male ISO Tapered Thread | Ver producto |
SS-4CP2-RT-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male ISO Tapered Thread | 1/4 in. | Male ISO Tapered Thread | Ver producto |
SS-4CP4-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4CP4-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4CP4-RT-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Female ISO Tapered Thread | 1/4 in. | Female ISO Tapered Thread | Ver producto |
SS-4CP5-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4CP5-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4CP5-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4CP5-25 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4CP6-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-4C-TR-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-4C-VCR-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | Ver producto |
SS-4C-VCR-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | Ver producto |
SS-4C-VCR-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | Ver producto |
SS-4C-VCRKZ-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) W/male Nut | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) W/male Nut | Ver producto |
SS-6C-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-6C-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-6C-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-6C-25 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-6C4-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Female NPT | 3/8 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-6C-5 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-6C-KZ-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-6C-KZ-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-6C-MM-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 6 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 6 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-6C-MM-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 6 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 6 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-6C-MM-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 6 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 6 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-6C-MM-25 | 316 Stainless Steel | 6 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 6 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-6C-TR-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-8C-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-8C-1/3 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-8C-10 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-8C2-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-8C2-25 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT mâle | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT mâle | Ver producto |
SS-8C-25 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | 1/2 po | Raccord Swagelok® pour tubes | Ver producto |
SS-8C4-1 | Acier inoxydable 316 | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT femelle | 1/2 po | Filetage NPT femelle | Ver producto |
SS-8C4-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Female NPT | 1/2 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-8C4-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Female NPT | 1/2 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-8C-5 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-8C-KZ-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-8C-KZ-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-8CP2-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Male NPT | 1/2 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-8CP2-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Male NPT | 1/2 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-8CP2-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Male NPT | 1/2 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-8CP2-25 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Male NPT | 1/2 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-8CP2-KZ-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Male NPT | 1/2 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-8CP2-RT-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Male ISO Tapered Thread | 1/2 in. | Male ISO Tapered Thread | Ver producto |
SS-8CP4-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Female NPT | 1/2 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-8CP5-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Male NPT | 1/2 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-8C-TR-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-8C-VCR-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | 1/2 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | Ver producto |
SS-8C-VCR-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | 1/2 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | Ver producto |
SS-8C-VCR-KZ-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | 1/2 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | Ver producto |
SS-CHF12-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/4 in. | Female NPT | 3/4 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-CHF12RT-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/4 in. | Female ISO Tapered Thread | 3/4 in. | Female ISO Tapered Thread | Ver producto |
SS-CHF16-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1 in. | Female NPT | 1 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-CHF4-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-CHF4-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-CHF4-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | 1/4 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-CHF6-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Female NPT | 3/8 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-CHF8-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Female NPT | 1/2 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-CHF8-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Female NPT | 1/2 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-CHF8-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Female NPT | 1/2 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-CHF8-5 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Female NPT | 1/2 in. | Female NPT | Ver producto |
SS-CHF8RT-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Female ISO Tapered Thread | 1/2 in. | Female ISO Tapered Thread | Ver producto |
SS-CHM12-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/4 in. | Male NPT | 3/4 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-CHM12-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/4 in. | Male NPT | 3/4 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-CHM2-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/8 in. | Male NPT | 1/8 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-CHM4-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-CHM4-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-CHM4-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-CHM4-25 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-CHM4-5 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | 1/4 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-CHM4RT-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Male ISO Tapered Thread | 1/4 in. | Male ISO Tapered Thread | Ver producto |
SS-CHM8-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Male NPT | 1/2 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-CHM8-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Male NPT | 1/2 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-CHS10MM-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 10 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 10 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS10MM-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 10 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 10 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS12-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS12-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS12-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS12-5 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS12MM-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 12 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 12 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS12MM-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 12 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 12 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS12MM-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 12 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 12 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS12MM-5 | 316 Stainless Steel | 12 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 12 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS16-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS16-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS16-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS2-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS2-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS2-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS2-5 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS2-KZ-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS4-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS4-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS4-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS4-1-SC11 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS4-25 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS4-KZ-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS4-KZ-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/4 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS6-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS6-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS6-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS6-100 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS6-25 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS6-5 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS6-BU-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS6-EP-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS6M8-BU-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 3/8 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/2 in. | Male NPT | Ver producto |
SS-CHS6MM-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 6 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 6 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS6MM-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 6 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 6 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS6MM-25 | 316 Stainless Steel | 6 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 6 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS6MM-5 | 316 Stainless Steel | 6 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 6 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS8-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS8-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS8-10 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS8-1-SC11 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS8-25 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS8-5 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS8-BU-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS8-EP-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS8-EP-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS8-KZ-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 1/2 in. | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS8MM-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 8 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 8 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHS8MM-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 8 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | 8 mm | Swagelok® Tube Fitting | Ver producto |
SS-CHVCR4-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | Ver producto |
SS-CHVCR4-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | Ver producto |
SS-CHVCR4-KZ-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | 1/4 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | Ver producto |
SS-CHVCR8-1 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | 1/2 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | Ver producto |
SS-CHVCR8-1/3 | 316 Stainless Steel | 1/2 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | 1/2 in. | Face Seal (Metal Gasket) Male VCR | Ver producto |
If you have questions about this product, please contact your local authorized sales and service center. They can also tell you about supporting services to help you get the most out of your investment.