Swagelok VCO® O-Ring Face Seal Fittings
Easy-to-assemble Swagelok VCO® O-ring face seal fittings feature a metal-to-elastomer seal contained entirely in the fitting body that allows for simple, rapid, leak-tight installation in high-purity and general industrial pipe, tube, and welded systems.
View VCO® O-Ring Face Seal FittingsSwagelok VCO® O-ring face seal fittings are suitable for use with high to critical vacuum pressures and over a wide range of temperatures. The captive O-ring responsible for sealing is completely contained in the fitting body for maximum efficiency, and a smooth finish on the gland face facilitates a positive seal. O-rings are available in a variety of materials to maximize system compatibility.
Our vacuum coupling O-ring (VCO®) fittings can be easily assembled, minimizing installation time and making them ideal for use in situations where components may require replacement or frequent service. They can also be used where space is a limitation, as no axial clearance is required for installation. Because the face seal fitting design has less area of entrapment and is cleaner than tube fittings, limiting the potential for contamination, Swagelok VCO® fittings are also compatible with high-purity applications.
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Connecteurs femelles
Disponibles dans des dimensions diverses, les connecteurs femelles avec raccord VCO à une extrémité créent un joint étanche qui résiste à la fatigue par vibrations.

Connecteurs mâles
Ces connecteurs mâles possèdent un joint torique maintenu dans une rainure située sur la face du connecteur et qui va créer un joint étanche en venant s’appuyer contre la surface de l’embout.

Ces embouts viennent comprimer le joint torique pour assurer une étanchéité parfaite et la déformation nécessaire au bon fonctionnement du joint.

Conçus pour s’adapter à des espaces divers, ces raccords passe-cloison créent un joint étanche au vide sur une large plage de température.

Pièces détachées et accessoires
Assurez-vous d’une fiabilité et de performances optimales pour vos systèmes fluides avec nos composants de qualité.

Raccords union à étanchéité de surface avec joint torique VCO® – tés, coudes à 90°, droits – pour former des raccordements étanches dans des applications critiques. Disponibles dans plusieurs matériaux et diamètres.
VCO O-Ring Face Seal Fittings Catalogs
Locate detailed product information, including materials of construction, pressure and temperature ratings, options, and accessories.
Dimensions de 1/8 à 1 po, Acier inoxydable 316 ou 316L, Raccords pour tubes, NPT, filetage SAE et à souder

The Swagelok® Tube Fitting Advantage
Swagelok tube fittings are designed to meet your highest expectations for safety and dependability, featuring proven design, precise manufacturing, and superior raw materials.
Discover the AdvantageSwagelok Resources Curated for You

An Introduction to Fittings: Identifying Thread Size and Pitch
Even the most seasoned professionals can experience difficulty identifying threads. Swagelok product manager Andy Hitchcock explains how to identify thread size and pitch on your fittings using a caliper, pitch gauge and thread identification guide.

Optimizing Medium-Pressure Oil and Gas Applications with Compression Fittings
For medium-pressure applications in oil and gas topside assets, learn how compression fittings can offer installation speed and performance benefits over traditional cone and thread connections.

How Shenyang Blower Works Group Improved Safety and Reliability
Learn how Swagelok Shanghai has helped Shenyang Blower Works Group Corporation achieve consistency, reliability, and cost savings for its customers while improving its own safety and production efficiency.

Swagelok Tube Fitting Installation
This video demonstrates the integral steps for installing Swagelok tube fittings, which have earned a global reputation for consistency, quality, and reliability.