View Needle and Metering ValvesSwagelok needle valves are available in a variety of configurations to allow users to find options that suit their performance needs and system designs. These needle valves provide reliable operation from basic, low-pressure instrumentation applications to corrosive, high-temperature, high-pressure applications. Swagelok needle valves are available with flow coefficients ranging from 0.12 to 2.4. They are also available with low emissions (Low-E) certification per API 624.
Swagelok metering valves are also available in a variety of configurations, are suitable for low- and high-pressure use, and can deliver accurate flow rate control in analytical, instrumentation, and research applications. They provide fine adjustments in applications demanding precise levels of flow, delivering flow coefficients from 0.004 to 0.16. Various handle options for metering valves allow for repeatable flow adjustments, enhanced control for setting flows, or flow setting adjustment with a screwdriver in low-pressure applications.
Needle and Metering Valve Categories

Blowdown Valves, 6DB Series
Our 316 stainless steel blowdown valves feature union-bonnet construction for safety and Grafoil® packing for high-temperature performance.

Compact Gauge Valves
Designed for fast installation, leak-resistance, and durability to ensure safety in industrial applications.

General Utility Needle Valves, GU and F10 Series
For use in general-purpose applications to isolate system media. The stainless steel, nonrotating needle promotes leak-tight shutoff and long service life.

High-Pressure Needle Valves, Sno-Trik 410, 445, 645, 945 Series
Sno-Trik needle valves meet the requirements of high-pressure applications—up to 45 000 psig (3100 bar)—and feature a weep hole for leak detection.

Integral-Bonnet Needle Valves, O, 1, 18, 20, 26, and D Series
Featuring a live-loaded packing system and compact design, these valves ensure optimal performance in pressures up to 6000 psig and temperatures up to 600°F.

Medium-Pressure Needle Valves, NV and NVT Series
NVT Series medium-pressure needle valves have a non-rotating stem and are available in straight and angle-patterns for pressures up to 60 000 psi (4134 bar).

Metering Valves, S, M, and 31 Series
Explore Swagelok metering valves, available in straight and angle patterns, 316 SS and brass, and with a variety of and connections and handle styles.

Rising Plug Valves, 4P and 5P Series
Swagelok rising plug valves offer a nonrotating stem tip that creates a positive seal and a straight-through orifice for maximum flow and easy cleaning.

Screwed-Bonnet Gauge Valves
Screwed-bonnet gauge valves provide controlled isolation and connection of process measurement devices to protect them from hydraulic shock and pressure surges.

Severe-Service Needle Valves, N and HN Series
Severe-service union-bonnet needle valves feature SS stem threads to enhance cycle life and a packing bolt designed to permit adjustments in the open position.

Spare Parts and Accessories
Find a variety of replacement parts and accessories for needle valves and metering valves—valve locks, rupture discs, handle kits—and more.

Toggle Valves
Explore compact toggle valves, available in stainless steel and brass, manual and pneumatically actuated models, and straight and angle body patterns.
Features: Straight and angle patterns; Pressures up to 6000 psig (413 bar); Temperatures up to 450°F (232°C) with PTFE packing; up to 650°F (343°C) with Grafoil® packing
Features: Manual and pneumatically actuated models; Straight, angle, and cross body patterns; 316 SS and brass body materials
Features: Stainless steel construction; Nonrotating ball-tip and plug-tip stem designs; Roddable (plug-tip design)
Features: Working pressures up to 10 000 psig (689 bar); Temperatures from –65 to 450°F (–53 to 232°C) with PTFE packing; up to 1200°F (648°C) with Grafoil® packing; 316 stainless steel; alloys 400, 20, 600, and C-276; and titanium materials
Features: Working pressures up to 10 000 psig (689 bar); Temperatures from –65 to 450°F (–53 to 232°C) with PTFE packing; up to 1000°F (537°C) with Grafoil® packing; Alloy 625, alloy 825, Alloy 2507, and 6-moly materials
Features: High-purity PFA material; Working pressures up to 180 psig (12.4 bar); Temperatures up to 300°F (148°C); 1/4, 3/8, and 1/2 in. Swagelok® PFA tube fitting end connections
Features: Roddable, straight-through orifice for maximum flow; Working pressures up to 6000 psig (413 bar); Packing below the threads; Replaceable seat and stem tip design
Features: The Swagelok® compact gauge valve provides fast, convenient installation and installation and gauge maintenance in a lightweight package and smaller footprint than conventional assemblies.
Features: Live-loaded packing system; Compact design; Working pressures up to 6000 psig (413 bar); Temperatures up to 600°F (315°C)
Swagelok® offers medium- and high-pressure fittings, tubing, valves, and related accessories with temperatures up 1000°F (537°C), pressure ratings up to 60 000 psig (4134 bar) in sizes ranging from 1/4 to to 1 in. for medium-pressure products and 1/4 to 9/16 in. for high-pressure products. NACE® MR0175/ISO15156 compliance is available.
Swagelok offers both low- and high-pressure metering valves in straight, angle, cross, and double patterns. A variety of end connection and handle options, including repeatable vernier handles, are also available.
Features: 316 stainless steel materials; Union-bonnet construction for safety; Grafoil® packing for high-temperature performance; Swagelok® tube fitting, female NPT, and tube or pipe socket weld end connections
Features: Pressures up to 3000 psig (206 bar); Temperatures up to 450°F (232°C) with PEEK stem tip; Stainless steel, brass, and alloy 400 materials
Features: Limits access to manually actuated valves;Lockout accessory enables compliance with OSHA Lockout/Tagout, Standard 29 CFR Part 1910.147, Control of Hazardous Energy Bright safety orange color promotes high visibility. Other colors are available.






ニードル・バルブは、さまざまなステム・デザイン、材質、サイズ、エンド・コネクションを選ぶことができ、信頼性の高い一貫した流量制御を行います。腐食や過酷条件に耐える設計が採用されています。一般ユーティリティー用、ボンネット一体型、ボンネットねじ込み型、鍛造製ボディ、トグル、過酷条件用ユニオン・ボンネット型、計装用ブロー・ダウン、コンパクト・ゲージ、無回転ステム式、上昇プラグ型などのバルブを選ぶことができます。流量係数(Cv値)は0.12~2.4で、最高使用圧力は310.0 MPaです。フロー・パターンはストレート型、アングル型、クロス型から、アクチュエーター・タイプは手動式または空気作動式からお選びください。
メータリング・バルブは、分析、計装、研究などのアプリケーションにおいて、正確な流量制御を実現します。高圧・低圧のいずれにも使用することができ、0.004~0.16の流量係数(Cv値)で、精密さが求められる低流量/中流量/大流量のアプリケーションにおいて、流量の微調節を行います。フロー・パターンは、ストレート型、アングル型、クロス型、ダブル型から選ぶことができ、最高使用圧力は34.4 MPaです。きざみ付きハンドル、丸ハンドル、バーニア・ハンドル、スロット付きハンドル、トルク調節機能付きハンドルといったオプションを使用することで、低圧のアプリケーションで繰り返し確実に流量調節を行うこと、流量設定の制御を向上させること、マイナスドライバーで流量設定を調節することが可能になります。