Для того чтобы проектировщик системы и пользователь могли гарантированно выполнить подбор изделий с учетом требований безопасности, необходимо принять в рассмотрение дизайн системы и полный каталог продукции. При выборе изделий следует принимать во внимание всю систему в целом, чтобы обеспечить ее безопасную и бесперебойную работу. Соблюдение назначения устройств, совместимости материалов, надлежащих рабочих параметров, правильный монтаж, эксплуатация и обслуживание являются обязанностями проектировщика системы и пользователя.
Attention: Les composants qui ne sont pas régis par une norme, comme les raccords pour tubes Swagelok, ne doivent jamais être mélangés/intervertis avec ceux d’autres fabricants.
Kit de poignée directionnelle en acier inoxydable pour vanne à boisseau sphérique séries 41G et 42G
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Kit de poignée
Faites votre choix parmi une vaste sélection de pièces détachées et d'accessoires pour votre vanne Swagelok.
개폐형, 방향전환형 및 교차형 유로; 최대 사용 압력 3000 psig (206 bar); 온도 범위 –53 ~ 148°C (–65 ~ 300°F); 실외 환경 및 고온 공정용 사양; 1/16 ~ 3/4 in. 및 3 ~ 12 mm 연결구
MPC 시리즈: ANSI/ISA 76.00.02에 준하는 설계, 38.2 mm(1.5 in. 플랫폼); 구성, 조립 및 유지보수가 간편; 밸브, 필터, 레귤레이터 및 압력 게이지 이외에 추가 표면 구성용 부품을 위한 어답터
특징: 래크피니언 공기작동식 개폐기, 솔레노이드 밸브, 리미트 스위치; ISO 5211-준수 공기작동식 개폐기, 솔레노이드 밸브, 리미트 스위치, 위치 센서; 현장 조립용 완전 개폐 어셈블리 및 키트
Note orientation of the directional handle. Bar handle must be installed pointing in the same direction as the removed handle; Loosen set screw; Remove current handle. Also remove the handle stop insert when applicable.
Features: Locking Bracket Kit.
Mounting Instructions for ISO 5211 Actuator to 40G Series, 40 Series, 83 Series, AFS Valves, SK Series Valves
40 series ball valve (standard) packing adjustment instructions, multilingual
If the valve handle is removed, please note its orientation; When reinstalled, the handle must be in the same orientation.
Features: Limits access to manually actuated valves;Lockout accessory enables compliance with OSHA Lockout/Tagout, Standard 29 CFR Part 1910.147, Control of Hazardous Energy Bright safety orange color promotes high visibility. Other colors are available.
This document contains instructions for replacing a standard valve handle with a latch/lock handle on the following 3-way ball valves:
Mounting Instructions for 40G Series, 40 Series, AFS Series, and SK Series Ball Valves to 140 Series Electric Actuators 130 / 150 Series Pneumatic Actuators 121 Series Pneumatic Actuators
Features: 40G, 40, 60, 83, H83, SK, and FKB Series Valves, AFS Ball Valves; Calculate valve operating torque; Choose actuators and related components; Select mounting bracket kits
Attribut | Valeur |
Matériau du corps | Acier inoxydable |
Procédé de nettoyage | Nettoyage et conditionnement standard (SC-10) |
Pour séries | Série 42G |
Couleur de poignée | Acier inoxydable |
Type de poignée | Poignée directionnelle |
eClass (4.1) | 37010631 |
eClass (5.1.4) | 37010401 |
eClass (6.0) | 37019204 |
eClass (6.1) | 37019204 |
UNSPSC (4.03) | 40141616 |
UNSPSC (10.0) | 40141616 |
UNSPSC (11.0501) | 40141616 |
UNSPSC (13.0601) | 40141616 |
UNSPSC (15.1) | 40141616 |
UNSPSC (17.1001) | 40141616 |
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