Трубный обжимной фитинг Swagelok из нерж. стали, муфта с монтажной гайкой, наруж. диам. трубки 6 мм |
StraightsAchieve leak-tight performance with a robust tube grip and vibration resistance. The remarkable dependability of the Swagelok tube fitting has been proven with over 65 years of success, and has been documented in numerous published test reports, including those performed under extreme conditions. Inicie la sesión o regístrese para ver los precios ContactIf you have questions about this product, please contact your local authorized sales and service center. They can also tell you about supporting services to help you get the most out of your investment.
Safe Product Selection
The complete catalog contents must be reviewed to ensure that the system designer and user make a safe product selection. When selecting products, the total system design must be considered to ensure safe, trouble-free performance. Function, material compatibility, adequate ratings, proper installation, operation, and maintenance are the responsibilities of the system designer and user. Advertencia: Do not mix/interchange Swagelok products or components not governed by industrial design standards, including Swagelok tube fitting end connections, with those of other manufacturers. |
The complete catalog contents must be reviewed to ensure that the system designer and user make a safe product selection. When selecting products, the total system design must be considered to ensure safe, trouble-free performance. Function, material compatibility, adequate ratings, proper installation, operation, and maintenance are the responsibilities of the system designer and user.
Advertencia: Do not mix/interchange Swagelok products or components not governed by industrial design standards, including Swagelok tube fitting end connections, with those of other manufacturers.
Трубный обжимной фитинг Swagelok из нерж. стали, муфта с монтажной гайкой, наруж. диам. трубки 6 мм
Inicie la sesión o regístrese para ver los precios
Achieve leak-tight performance with a robust tube grip and vibration resistance. The remarkable dependability of the Swagelok tube fitting has been proven with over 65 years of success, and has been documented in numerous published test reports, including those performed under extreme conditions.
Swagelok® tube fittings and tube adapters reduce the risk of costly system downtime with reliable tubing connections and are available in a variety of sizes and materials.
Жидкие течеискатели Snoop®; Смазки для резьбы Goop™ ; Герметики для трубной резьбы SWAK®, тефлоновая лента и герметики для трубной резьбы без содержания PTFE
Features: Step-by-step identification procedure for threads and end connections.
Выбор трубок; Обработка трубок; Эксплуатация с газовой средой; Установка трубки; Таблицы рекомендуемого допустимого рабочего давления
В настоящем документе изложены инструкции, используемые компанией Swagelok® и ее поставщиками, чтобы обеспечить соответствие требованиям к чистоте продуктов, предусмотренным стандартом ASTM G93, уровень C. Его сфера применения ограничена компонентами системы, соприкасающимися со средой. Настоящий документ необходимо использовать в сочетании с каталогами продуктов, техническими бюллетенями и отчетами.
Swagelok® Specification SC-10 defines the cleaning, lubrication, assembly, and packaging requirements for standard Swagelok products and describes practices used to meet these requirements.
SS-6M0-61 — Трубный обжимной фитинг Swagelok из нерж. стали, муфта с монтажной гайкой, наруж. диам. трубки 6 мм
Atributo | Valor |
Body Material | 316 Stainless Steel |
Bored Through | No |
Cleaning Process | Standard Cleaning and Packaging (SC-10) |
Connection 1 Size | 6 mm |
Connection 1 Type | Swagelok® Tube Fitting |
Connection 2 Size | 6 mm |
Connection 2 Type | Swagelok® Tube Fitting |
Flow Restrictor | No |
eClass (4.1) | 37020719 |
eClass (5.1.4) | 37020590 |
eClass (6.0) | 37020590 |
eClass (6.1) | 37020590 |
UNSPSC (4.03) | 40141713 |
UNSPSC (10.0) | 40142600 |
UNSPSC (11.0501) | 40142600 |
UNSPSC (13.0601) | 40183100 |
UNSPSC (15.1) | 40183100 |
UNSPSC (17.1001) | 40141607 |
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M-400-61 | Aleación 400/R-405 | 1/4 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 1/4 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | Ver producto |
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PFA-420-61 | PFA | 1/4 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 1/4 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | Ver producto |
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SS-10M0-R1-10M | Acero inoxidable 316 | 10 mm | Racor Swagelok® | 10 mm | Adaptador a tubo Swagelok® | Ver producto |
SS-1210-11-12 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 3/4 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 3/4 pulg. | NPT macho | Ver producto |
SS-1210-61 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 3/4 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 3/4 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | Ver producto |
SS-1210-61-12AN | Acero inoxidable 316 | 3/4 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 3/4 pulg. | Rosca Macho Abocardado 37° | Ver producto |
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SS-400-61BT | Acero inoxidable 316 | 1/4 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 1/4 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | Ver producto |
SS-400-61SC11 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 1/4 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 1/4 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | Ver producto |
SS-400-71-2 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 1/4 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 1/8 pulg. | NPT hembra | Ver producto |
SS-400-71-4 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 1/4 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 1/4 pulg. | NPT hembra | Ver producto |
SS-400-R1-4 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 1/4 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 1/4 pulg. | Adaptador a tubo Swagelok® | Ver producto |
SS-4M0-61 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 4 mm | Racor Swagelok® | 4 mm | Racor Swagelok® | Ver producto |
SS-500-61 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 5/16 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 5/16 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | Ver producto |
SS-600-11-4 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 3/8 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 1/4 pulg. | NPT macho | Ver producto |
SS-600-11-6 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 3/8 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 3/8 pulg. | NPT macho | Ver producto |
SS-600-11-8 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 3/8 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 1/2 pulg. | NPT macho | Ver producto |
SS-600-61 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 3/8 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 3/8 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | Ver producto |
SS-600-61-4 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 3/8 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 1/4 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | Ver producto |
SS-600-61-6AN | Acero inoxidable 316 | 3/8 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 3/8 pulg. | Rosca Macho Abocardado 37° | Ver producto |
SS-600-61-8 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 3/8 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 1/2 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | Ver producto |
SS-600-61BT | Acero inoxidable 316 | 3/8 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 3/8 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | Ver producto |
SS-600-71-4 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 3/8 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 1/4 pulg. | NPT hembra | Ver producto |
SS-600-71-6 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 3/8 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 3/8 pulg. | NPT hembra | Ver producto |
SS-600-71-8 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 3/8 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 1/2 pulg. | NPT hembra | Ver producto |
SS-600-R1-6 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 3/8 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 3/8 pulg. | Adaptador a tubo Swagelok® | Ver producto |
SS-6M0-11-4 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 6 mm | Racor Swagelok® | 1/4 pulg. | NPT macho | Ver producto |
SS-6M0-71-4 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 6 mm | Racor Swagelok® | 1/4 pulg. | NPT hembra | Ver producto |
SS-810-11-6 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 1/2 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 3/8 pulg. | NPT macho | Ver producto |
SS-810-11-8 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 1/2 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 1/2 pulg. | NPT macho | Ver producto |
SS-810-61 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 1/2 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 1/2 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | Ver producto |
SS-810-61-4 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 1/2 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 1/4 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | Ver producto |
SS-810-61-6 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 1/2 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 3/8 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | Ver producto |
SS-810-61-8AN | Acero inoxidable 316 | 1/2 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 1/2 pulg. | Rosca Macho Abocardado 37° | Ver producto |
SS-810-61BT | Acero inoxidable 316 | 1/2 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 1/2 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | Ver producto |
SS-810-71-6 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 1/2 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 3/8 pulg. | NPT hembra | Ver producto |
SS-810-71-8 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 1/2 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 1/2 pulg. | NPT hembra | Ver producto |
SS-810-R1-8 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 1/2 pulg. | Racor Swagelok® | 1/2 pulg. | Adaptador a tubo Swagelok® | Ver producto |
SS-8M0-61 | Acero inoxidable 316 | 8 mm | Racor Swagelok® | 8 mm | Racor Swagelok® | Ver producto |
SS-8M0-61-6M | Acero inoxidable 316 | 8 mm | Racor Swagelok® | 6 mm | Racor Swagelok® | Ver producto |
If you have questions about this product, please contact your local authorized sales and service center. They can also tell you about supporting services to help you get the most out of your investment.