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Diaphragm-Sealed Valve

Swagelok® Diaphragm-Sealed Valves

Swagelok diaphragm-sealed valves improve system efficiency while providing effective flow shutoff by minimizing entrapment areas and facilitating purging with a fully swept flow path. They have long cycle lives and are available in a variety of sizes, materials, and configurations to meet the system requirements of high-purity and ultrahigh-purity (UHP) applications.

View Diaphragm Valves

Swagelok diaphragm-sealed valves come in various sizes, materials, and configurations to meet the needs of high-purity and UHP applications. They feature flow coefficients ranging from 0.20 to 13. Their fully swept flow paths and corrosion-resistant construction make them ideal for applications where cleanliness is crucial. Users can choose from manual, pneumatic, and locking actuator options.

Swagelok diaphragm-sealed valves can be used in atomic layer deposition (ALD), high-flow, modular gas system, thermal-immersion, and ultrahigh-purity applications requiring fluoropolymer component construction.

  • Swagelok springless diaphragm valves for modular gas systems are easy to install, provide a visual indication of flow direction, and have a seat design that improves thermal stability
  • Swagelok bulk gas diaphragm valves offer a combination of strength, flexibility, and cycle life to support a wide range of ultrahigh-purity shutoff, bulk-gas distribution, and isolation applications
  • Swagelok thermal-immersion diaphragm valves can be entirely contained within a high-temperature, high-purity environment, making them strong options for ALD and precursor delivery applications
  • Swagelok ultrahigh-purity fluoropolymer diaphragm valves offer a strong solution for UHP chemical distribution, DI water, and bulk chemical delivery systems

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Diaphragm-Sealed Valves Catalogs

Locate detailed product information, including materials of construction, pressure and temperature ratings, options, and accessories.

Swagelok flow coefficient (C<sub>v</sub>) calculator for valves

Calculate Flow Rate for the Right Valve Selection

Use our valve flow coefficient (Cv) calculator to chose a valve sized correctly for your needs.

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