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Для того чтобы проектировщик системы и пользователь могли гарантированно выполнить подбор изделий с учетом требований безопасности, необходимо принять в рассмотрение дизайн системы и полный каталог продукции. При выборе изделий следует принимать во внимание всю систему в целом, чтобы обеспечить ее безопасную и бесперебойную работу. Соблюдение назначения устройств, совместимости материалов, надлежащих рабочих параметров, правильный монтаж, эксплуатация и обслуживание являются обязанностями проектировщика системы и пользователя.

⚠ ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: Запрещается совместное использование и замена продуктов или компонентов Swagelok, на производство которых не распространяются отраслевые стандарты проектирования (в том числе торцевых соединений трубных обжимных фитингов Swagelok), продуктами или компонентами других производителей.

  • Maximizing Hydrogen Electrolyzer Efficiency

    Optimize Hydrogen Electrolyzer Production with High-Performance Fluid Systems Hydrogen continues to gain traction as a low-carbon energy source with major potential. Here’s one point of evidence: The European Commission aims to produce 10 million tons and import 10 million tons of renewable hyd...

  • Fitting Training: How to Install Tube Fittings

    Tube Fitting Installation: Everything You Need to Know Reliable industrial fluid systems are essential for safety, efficiency, and profitability in your plant—and their ability to operate dependably relies on many factors. Some of the most important include proper tube and tube fitting installation...

  • Solving Semiconductor Fabrication Challenges with Insulated Hoses

    Solving Semiconductor Fabrication Challenges with Insulated Hoses Doug Nordstrom, Senior Product Manager, Hose Products and Yoon Jiang , Regional Market Manager, Semiconductor In the world of semiconductor chip production, precision and cleanliness are intersecting priorities. Temperatures in...

  • Critical Components for Forward-Thinking Fuel Systems

    How New Flyer Develops Forward-Thinking Fuel Systems with Swagelok New Flyer is the largest bus maker in North America, employing more than 2,300 people at its manufacturing hub in Anniston, Alabama. Citizens around the world depend on its buses for reliable transportation, meaning New Flyer doesn’...

  • Field Engineering Spotlight: Q&A with Andrew Wright

    Field Engineering Spotlight: A Q&A with Swagelok Central Ontario’s Andrew Wright Andrew Wright traveled the world as a metallurgical engineer before returning to Canada to join our team. Now, his extensive oil and gas industry experience is helping Swagelok Central Ontario deliver custom solution...

  • Analytical Sampling Systems Q&A with Swagelok

    An Analytical Sampling System Q&A with Field Engineering Area Manager, Mike Frost Analytical sampling is a critical process in numerous industries, including oil and gas extraction, chemical and petrochemical processing, power generation, and more. Mike Frost, regional area manager, field enginee...

  • 5 Considerations For Your Analyzer Shelter

    What’s Really Going on In Your Analyzer Shelter? 5 Critical Considerations Stacey Phillips, Field Engineering Manager, Americas; and Tristian McCallion, Custom Solutions Manager, Edmonton Valve and Fitting Online analytical sampling is a critical function for process driven facilities everywhe...

  • Optimizing Component Selection for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles

    Optimizing Component Selection for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles Chuck Hayes, Principal Engineer Around the world, significant investment is being made in hydrogen mobility and the infrastructure that makes it possible. Why? As vehicle manufacturers seek to drive higher and higher efficiency a...

  • Field Engineering Spotlight: Mike Strobel

    Field Engineering Spotlight: Mike Strobel, Field Engineer, Swagelok Penn In a new series, Swagelok Reference Point is highlighting Field Engineering Services—our global, boots-on-the-ground team of engineering experts who are tasked with solving our customers’ toughest challenges. Today, we sit d...

  • What is Sour Service and Q&A on Material Selection

    Four Answers on Material Selection for Sour Oil and Gas Fields As oil and gas producers seek to meet the world’s energy needs and expand their revenue streams, there has been a collective move toward tapping unconventional resource reserves at greater depths and further distances offshore. Here, le...

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