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  • Hose Connector Types & Use Cases

    How to Choose the Right Hose End Connection Doug Nordstrom, Senior Product Manager Industrial hoses play critical roles in facilities across the globe—but they often come with little guidance on useful best practices from the manufacturer. Hose selection, installation, inspection, and mainten...

  • Industrial Hose Material: Core Tube Considerations

    Industrial Hose Replacement: Core Tube Material Considerations Doug Nordstrom, Senior Product Manager, Hose Product Group The right industrial hose keeps your fluid systems performing safely and effectively. The wrong hose, however, can undermine your processes, put your personnel at risk, and ...

  • How to Bend Tubing and When Bent Tubing is Advantageous

    When to Bend Tubing—And How to Do It Right Mike Gagel, Strategic Services Specialist, Swagelok Pittsburgh and Trainer, Advanced Tube Bending, Swagelok Company Many decisions must be made during the design and assembly of a new fluid system or when replacing components in an existing one. One of ...

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