Search Results for "design"
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Safe Valve Selection - Special Lubricants,
The lubricant used in the assembly of the valve was selected by the system designer, therefore, Swagelok Company makes no representations as to its properties or suitability as a lubricant in this valve.
Plastic Tube Flaring System Users Manual
Model FTF 1000 User's Manual The Swagelok FTF 1000 plastic tube flaring system is designed to flare fluoropolymer tubing for use with fine thread flare end connections.
Swagelok Source Inlet SSI User Manual
SSI Systems are designed to handle incoming gases usually from a bottle or bottle multi pack source. The gas will flow thru the SSI and connect to one of the other Swagelok systems, typically a Swagelok Gas Panel (SGP), where the pressure can be regulated.