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Sichere Produktauswahl:

Der Kataloginhalt muss ganz durchgelesen werden, um sicherzustellen, dass der Systementwickler und der Benutzer eine sichere Produktauswahl treffen. Bei der Auswahl von Produkten muss die gesamte Systemanordnung berücksichtigt werden, um eine sichere, störungsfreie Funktion zu gewährleisten. Der Systemdesigner und der Benutzer sind für Funktion, Materialverträglichkeit, entsprechende Leistungsdaten und Einsatzgrenzen sowie für die vorschriftsmäßige Handhabung, den Betrieb und die Wartung verantwortlich.

⚠ Warnung: Swagelok-Produkte oder -Bauteile, die nicht den industriellen Entwicklungsnormen entsprechen, einschließlich Swagelok Rohrverschraubungen und Endanschlüsse nicht durch die anderer Hersteller austauschen oder mit den Produkten oder Bauteilen anderer Hersteller vermischen.

  • Antislavery, Forced Labor and Human Trafficking Statement

    About Us >   Commitments and Responsibilities >  Antislavery, Forced Labor and Human Trafficking Statement Antislavery, Forced Labor and Human Trafficking Statement Antislavery, Forced Labor and Human Trafficking Statement Swagelok is committed to ensuring that its suppliers do not engage in for...

  • Jay Nordholt

    Jay Nordholt Vice President, Engineering and Quality Download a Short Bio I come from a close-knit family with a very strong work ethic, and I learned early on that if you’re expected to be somewhere, you show up; if you’re expected to do a job, you complete it. My grandfather and great uncle o...

  • VFW Employer of the Year

    Swagelok Named as Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Employer of the Year SOLON, Ohio (June 20, 2024) — Swagelok Company has been named by the Ohio chapter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) as Employer of the Year for its efforts in hiring and retaining veterans. The award is given to one employer ...

  • Swagelok Provides Outpouring of Support for Susan G. Komen®

    Swagelok Foundation and Company Associates Provide Outpouring of Support for Susan G. Komen ® SOLON, Ohio (October 31, 2023) — Swagelok Company associates and the Swagelok Foundation tallied over $30,000 in donations to Susan G. Komen ® . The donation comes in addition to Swagelok’s sponsorship...

  • Michael Calaway

    Michael Calaway Vice President, Marketing Download a Short Bio After graduating from Texas Tech with a degree in electrical engineering, I could have landed a position in a high-tech industry. Instead, I decided to work as an instrumentation engineer for ExxonMobil. That choice set me on a uniq...

  • Wayne Ostrosky

    Wayne Ostrosky Vice President, Operations Download a Short Bio My father would always tell me, “Someday, you will find work fun.” As a kid, I did not believe it, but it’s true. If you find something that you love to do, the work is fun. And that’s been my experience here for more than 25 years....

  • Commitments and Responsibilities

    About Us >  Commitments and Responsibilities Swagelok's ESG Commitments Our Environmental, Social, and Governance Priorities Swagelok’s core values shape our dedication to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) topics as we work with customers, support our associates, give back to our ...

  • Swagelok Company to Receive the Malden Mills Corporate Kindness Award

    Swagelok Company to Receive the Malden Mills Corporate Kindness Award Swagelok Company recognized by Values-in-Action Foundation as a recipient of the Malden Mills Corporate Kindness Award for commitment to kindness in the workplace Solon, Ohio (June 1, 2023) – Swagelok Company will receive the M...

  • Swagelok Supplier Code of Ethics

    About Us >   Commitments and Responsibilities >  Swagelok Supplier Code of Ethics Swagelok Supplier Code of Ethics Supplier Expectations We expect our Suppliers to be passionately focused on assisting Swagelok in achieving our brand promise of exceptional quality andservice. Introduction Swage...

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