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Sichere Produktauswahl:

Der Kataloginhalt muss ganz durchgelesen werden, um sicherzustellen, dass der Systementwickler und der Benutzer eine sichere Produktauswahl treffen. Bei der Auswahl von Produkten muss die gesamte Systemanordnung berücksichtigt werden, um eine sichere, störungsfreie Funktion zu gewährleisten. Der Systemdesigner und der Benutzer sind für Funktion, Materialverträglichkeit, entsprechende Leistungsdaten und Einsatzgrenzen sowie für die vorschriftsmäßige Handhabung, den Betrieb und die Wartung verantwortlich.

⚠ Warnung: Swagelok-Produkte oder -Bauteile, die nicht den industriellen Entwicklungsnormen entsprechen, einschließlich Swagelok Rohrverschraubungen und Endanschlüsse nicht durch die anderer Hersteller austauschen oder mit den Produkten oder Bauteilen anderer Hersteller vermischen.

  • Integral-Bonnet Needle Valves, O, 1, 18, 20, 26, and D Series

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Integral-Bonnet Needle Valves, O, 1, 18, 20, 26, and D Series exampl...

  • Snubber Fittings

    Swagelok snubber fittings (gauge protectors) protect gauges and instruments from potentially damaging system pressure surges and shocks, allowing instruments to smoothly come to line pressures. When a Swagelok snubber fitting (gauge protector) is installed upstream from a pressure-sensitive instrum...

  • Hose Covers

    Swagelok's optional hose covers provide additional protection against kinking, abrasion, corrosion, fluid temperature extremes, and effects of UV light. Whether it’s protection against kinking, abrasion, or a specific material, a variety of Swagelok hose covers are available to provide additional p...

  • Metal Tubing, FZ and FN Series

    FZ and FN series metal tubing reduce permeation in high-temperature vacuum and low-pressure applications. FZ Series Metal Tubing The FZ series is a zero-braid version of the FJ series hose and is an option for applications that do not experience pressures that require a braid on the core tube. Thi...

  • Gas Distribution Systems

    Gas distribution is a critical function for many industrial, research, and production facilities. Safely, reliably, and effectively delivering gases to where they are needed provide the foundation for a strong operation. Gas distribution systems work to deliver gases from a high-pressure source to t...

  • Do’s and Don’ts for Sampling System Accuracy

    Do’s and Don’ts for Sampling System Accuracy Ken Backus, Field Engineer (North America) Reliable process sample accuracy can be a challenge for even the most experienced fluid system engineers and analyzer technicians. Often, identifying the cause of inaccuracies can feel like something of a gue...

  • PFA Needle Valves

    CAUTION: PFA needle valves do not typically exhibit the same positive shutoff feel as metal valves.

  • Caution Card for Adapters Reducers Port Connectors

    Swagelok adapters, reducers and port connectors are to be used ONLY in Swagelok tube fittings. Do not mix or interchange parts with those of other manufacturers.

  • Antislavery, Forced Labor and Human Trafficking Statement

    About Us >   Commitments and Responsibilities >  Antislavery, Forced Labor and Human Trafficking Statement Antislavery, Forced Labor and Human Trafficking Statement Antislavery, Forced Labor and Human Trafficking Statement Swagelok is committed to ensuring that its suppliers do not engage in for...

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